Let me guess, you are the author? I guess you must not have any freinds that you can show it to. That's too bad. Here's some advice: If you want people to do something, usually you have to give them a reason like, "Hey I saw this totally fucking awesome flash cartoon about these kids that form this cult and commit suicide by drinking Koolaid with cut off penises." So with that said, I ask that all Fuglies go to this spamming ass-faces flash and give it a "0" out of 5. Don't even watch it. I will be doing it everyday for the rest of my days until his flash is removed. My votes are worth 3.9 votes by the way. Thanks for the spam!
I'm sorry to have hurt you, whipone. But you shouldn't trash his toon just because I put it on here. I am not the author, by the way. I just liked it and thought someone else might enjoy it, too. sorry. i won't post anymore.