Baby Jose' demonstrates his amazing power to levitate for his adoring parents and a stunned crowd of onlookers.
What do you think about being able to add captions for all the images that have been added to Fugly? Lately (for the past several months) I've pretty much lost interest and just use the actual file name as the title. "The Ultimate Mexican jumping bean" "Don't worry. They always land on their feet" "Hallelujah, It's raining (pre-pubescent) men" I don't know. See? I've lost the knack for this completely. You guys should help.
Rule number one when dropping a baby ten stories to a cop below. Make sure he is wearing a diaper of you want the cop to catch him.
"a taratula spider caught something unusual in his web today...something that went beyond his expectations ..! the tarantula , known by locals as obama , was expecting to catch a tiny snack , like a mosquito or a bug , but instead , he got angelina jolie's adopted son ...! nearby locals were peaking out their windows and watching this magnificent show unfold infront of their own eyes... "