In light of the Morales debacle in California, Is it about time we stop letting these things sit around for people to have a change of heart? I mean you had two people on stand by to ease his pain and they both refused to do they jobs due to "ethics". Where were they to ease his victims pain? I mean being raped and stabbed to death could I don't know hurt just a bit. But allowing these animals and yes I call them animals, sit on death row for 20 years is beyond anything I can think of. They sit there knowing they will die. Just get it over with. I say do them the next day before anyone can have a change of heart. I don't care if facts come out later on, he had a trial he was found guilty by his peers. Case closed end of story. Its the same as OJ you can think he did it all you want. He was found not guilty by his peers there for he did not do jack. As far as making it painless as possible, screw that noise. Light him on fire in the middle of town square put him out before he is about to die and let the family dump buckets of rubbing alcohol on his ass. Not one person on death row can sit with a straight face and tell me that they tried to make there victims last moments as painless as possible so why should there's be?
Hell yeah, sentence them to death, take them out back the next day and put a single bullet through their head. Then charge the family for the bullet. If it's good enough for China it's good enough for me. I hate the long ass sitting time on death row too. We should do away with the lifers, too, I think.
Sometimes I just dont get the heat between the americans and the iranians. Sure thing. Americans like to party and iranians dont, but your legal juice goes in the same shaker, where its blended by the same set of moral deities.
I would really like to see them stop calling it California Department of "Corrections". If they're going to execute people of give life sentences than they are not "correcting" anyone. Call it what it is, the way we used to. It's a penal system. As for the Morales debate, every fucking place I turn there are protesters. They stand around with the signs they had printed up, and they bitch. It seems their main argument is "Justice, not vengeance". I'd like to hear their definition of justice where a man gets to rape, torture, and stab a woman, but has the possibility of parole down the line. You don't rehabilitate from something like that. Those who have no value for life kill guards and other inmates. As for the execution portion I'd like to see them switch to nitrogen asphyxiation. Cleaner, cheaper, painless, they never even know it happened. They just go to sleep and die.
The main beef I have with you deathpenalty is the same as with your liberal gun-laws. They do not give a better society. Maybe one should kill criminals, bomb enemies back into the stoneage and go on a rampage of revenge everytime somebody does wrong against one. The thing is that its counterproductive. The guns and the deathpenalties dont work. Dont you get it. You nice american people do not deserve to slip down that slope were you end up stoning and amputating and begetting little mental monsters in your heads. Monsters that beget more monsters :evil: Why do you think you have all those gun-deaths. Because you are no good at shooting killers ? OikOik! I forbid you to watch that awful female torquemada Nancy Grace, and only half an hour of NoSpinZone. We still like you, you know. Still..
Gunz work, Arming the USA was the best thing the Founding Fathers did. I mean would you invade a country where you knew every man women and child is armed?
Amen Dio preaches on brother! Chester you should think of it as self preservation of the peaceful productive citizens by elimination of the violent counter productive, just in slow motion. Of course all of this slowness for the purpose of preventing mistakes.
Jesuswrote Like Iraq ? You just shoot eachother up and get more violent all the time. Joe wrote Does not buy you protection: gets mudreres more desperate. In other countries you have them crying and calling the police themselves. Nobody shoots more of their own than americans. There is no correnpondence between guns and safety. I see the guns that guard carry on the streets down here in central-america. It does not convey safety. It makes an impression of civil-war disorder and clan-based "justice".
I've seen numbers that show outlawing guns increases knife crime. Or death by baseball bat. Also while a lot of gun deaths are righteous acts of self defense outlawing guns makes every gun death a crime weather of self defense or not. In countries where guns are illegal criminals still carry guns go figure that one out.
yes ! you can not ban guns in a country like Iraq, ( and probably parts of the states ). It is still possible to move in another direction. But you have less of an illegal gun-market and the tollerance for "packin" will be different. Somewhere a guy carrying a gun will be considered cool, other places he will be a looser and a dork. I am all for hunting, and countries like Canada and Switzerland have the same gun per person ratio as in the state, but it is not for those John Wayne reasons. They are either warmaterial or huntingequipment. ( And people dont kill as you savages do ) :cry: I DONT want Europe to end up as the USA or those arabian countries. (Full of weapons and deathpenalty and macho-symbolism. The diff is that USA is packed with fake blonds and the arabs pack their women away in mobile tents ). :?
Xerx you state all the compelling arguments and I understand your position as well as where you are coming from. I do not begrudge you for taking that position one bit. But I respectfully have to disagree. As soon as you make one type of gun illegal then others simply follow. Next thing a deer rifle is a "sniper rifle" and a derringer carried for defense is an "easily concealed tool of crime" It all spirals down hill from there.
Bullshit. We have tightly controlled gun laws in Australia, yet we also have excellent sporting shooting clubs, farmers use rifles for feral animal control, etc. True, we are not allowed to carry pistols along the street, concealed or otherwise. But our gun-related death rate, per head of population, is less than 1% of the United States'.
dude when you said you'd have a .45 waiting for me the next time i tried to dryhump you in public i thought you were just flirting..... give a nigga a break fa real
Chester as for me I'm not willing to take the chance right now. Ferine you make me feel as if there is hope.
Yeah well it's not the wild west here either Chester my friend. Sure you can get a permit to carry a firearm. You pay out the fucking nose to get this piece of paper. You do all the test blah blah. Then the day comes you have your great piece of toliet paper. Because every damn place you go you can not bring a firearm into the building. So your gun sits in your car. So if your getting robbed you have to ask him to stop while you go to your car to get your gun so you can shoot the retarded monkey. Great fucking deal they get your money for the permit then its of no use because you can not wear the gun anywhere. Thats how America works, They fuck you coming and going.
So if you steal a car, you get a free gun? Gee, I wonder how so many pieces get into the wrong hands.