Their APR is disgusting and their fucking Phillipeano representives need a good ass reaming from a big fat AMERICAN cock (or at least a 'made in AMERICA' dildo) Bank One rules!!!! (until they piss me off)
Well, my first cc was with them, but I dropped them a few years later. I got the next one to make a big purchase and pay it off before the introductory 0.00$ APR expired, but... I think I already told you the story the last time I talked to you. :x
i called up Bank of America and told them the APR was too high so they lowered it to 7.9% from 13 for me no problem. Providian sucks donkey balls though.
I like your signature. I love the movie, Stigmata. I've seen it a billion times. Gabriel Byrne is fucking sexy. and Patricia Arquette has cool teeth. :lol: I'm still saying Bank One and their 5.something apr is pretty unbeatable.
I don't know about the whole sexy thing... You might have to ask 'Sexual Chocolate' about that instead... I still stand by my claim that Gabriel Byrne played a badass role in "End of Days" - a big fuck you to anyone that doesn't agree...
My honest opinion is that ALL credit card companies suck. They lure you in with this and that...then jack up the rates once you've gotten in with them. Just another fucking scam. Pay in C*A*S*H* works fine for me.