Every time I get on these sites I get Americans (mostly) bitching about Canadians. I as a Canadian can't figure out all the hostility. I could be too close to the trees to see the forest. So enlighten me
Personally I have no problem with the Canadian people for the most part. If I am debating Socialized medicine I am quick to point out the slow services meant to lower cost and the Canadians in desperation coming to America. But that's a different story. The whole personality at Fugly has historically been to haze the new posters.
Socialized medicine it always comes back to that.People of the world, stop listening to your gov't press relieses, We pay for or medical. every day that we work, through our income taxes. we probably pay as much if not more than you do for private insurance. Get a life figure it out . the people who are upset about our system are in it for the money.and they are sucking you in
come on people here's your chance ...no hidden meanings ...no wink ..wink ...let them dumb backward lower case canucks have it. Or is it all bluster?
Most canadians are happy with their health care system..... while most American think our own sucks. Joe is about the only person here at fugly who is happy with our health care system.
Das techno Vicking vould maach throu Canida ans leave a paath of destruction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIwLWNEZtbc&feature=related