Call a Spade a Spade or a nigger

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by StrangeDischarge, Mar 4, 2001.

  1. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    I share a love with many of you for dimentia in all its forms. However the mention of my Republican roots brought out the love in many of you cunts. Thus I thought I must seek enlightenment from the masses and have you explain why there is no fucking accountability for the actions of the left? How is it we turn a blind eye to Jesse, Sharpton, and the whole nigger movement, and shit while I am at it I'll offend a few more of you yamaka wearing freaks that support them. Let me make it clear....I don't have any black friends, however if I could just meet one that did not ask for hand outs, or expect the modern world to make repairations for century old attrocities I would be open to it. DC is the coolest city I have ever lived in, and as of Jan. 20th of this year the air smells sweeter too, but it is 87% Democrat. Bush put more minorities in his administration than the last four democratic presidents. Blacks here tell me Rice and Powell are not really black. Why is it education that takes you out of the running or is it acceptance of whites. The mayor here is protested daily (he is black)yet when a general hospital that had been bailed out three times by the city for financial problems announce they had to shut the doors due to a new 100 million $ debt, these fucking whiney little monkeys came out screachin. "We want Barry" they chant! Dumb Cunts. In any event, tell me where we as a nation are going? Don't just tell me I am a fucking Nazi Right winger..or you want to fuck my ass, give me an idea of where you might see us going as a nation should there be no accountability for flagrency and theft and pardons to drug dealers and assholes that denounce their country after stealing millions of your tax dollars. Did you see Clinton on the Antique Roadshow pawning off that sweet end table? I smoke pot...not a lot, but if I am caught, fuck it I'll stand up to my penalty. Whatever I do that defeats the system or the moral laws, (the ones you have ingrained in your souls not the ones the far right push) I shall be accountable for. I know hating blacks for the color of their skin is wrong, yet I will stand for what I believe and take the penalties that come for it. Which I am sure you will now dispense like cold syrup. Fuck you.

    I was angry with my friend:
    I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
    I was angry with my foe:
    I told it not, my wrath did grow.
    -William Blake-

  2. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Spare me the Hypocrisy lecture too, I know who and what I am.....give me some fucking assemblence of who you are.
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    PenileDischarge... I couldn't give a flying FUCK where your fucked up country is headed... I don't have the misfortune of having to reside in the same one as you...
    But you seem to have some idea about me forming an opinion about you ...
    I hadn't already done so.. But since you challenged me to pay attention to you and have some emotional type response to you... I thought i'd oblige..
    I hate you.

    I don't know you. I've never met you. You've never done me wrong. None of that matters. The mere fact that you exist is more than enough reason to earn my scorn. I hate the way your head looks. I'd like to crush it under the wheel of my car. I hate the way you dress. I'd like to set your clothes on fire while you're still wearing them. I hate the way you talk. I'd like to rip out your tongue by the roots so I don't have to hear your vapid blatherings. Don't look at me, or your eyes will go next. I hate the way you smell. I'd like to submerge you in boiling soap for about an hour. I hate your dick and/or your pussy. I'd like to use razor sharp cutlery to ensure you never reproduce. If you already have, I'd like to use razor sharp cutlery to correct that situation as well. I hate your political beliefs. I'd like to outlaw all you love and decriminalize all you despise. I hate your moral and spiritual beliefs. I'd like to squeeze out a steaming dump on your holy books, and rub your face in the bullshit of your own creation. I hate your DNA. I'd like to separate every molecule in your body and send them all flying in different directions until there was no proof you were ever born. An actual physical feeling of disgust and nausea floods my senses at the thought of you. My hatred for you is total and complete, and as natural as the air you breath. I'd like to kick your mother in the cunt and slice her flabby throat wide open with broken glass as punishment for giving birth to you. I despise the living fuck out of you.

    If you believe nothing else I say, believe me when I say that I understand hate. What I don't understand is why someone would want to limit their hate to specific racial groups when it's quite obvious that every racial group is equally worthy of animosity with extreme prejudice. It always amuses me when people form a group that espouses the notion that their race is superior to all others. Ironically, these groups often contain some of the stupidest examples of the race they claim is superior. Usually, they're just as annoying to be around as the group they rally against. When it comes to hatred, I don't discriminate. I'm an equal opportunity hater. Of course, when you hate just about everyone, you can still enjoy the effects of racism, even if you don't share it's motivations.

    The whole concept of racism really has very little to do with race anyway. If there were only one race, people would still hate each other. They'd simply find new reasons. As it stands now, only the rich truly benefit from racism. While most people are busy taking sides in a redundant conflict, the rich are able to go about getting richer at the expense of everyone else. How else do you think 1% of the population is able to keep 95% of the wealth. They do it by counting on the fact that the other 99% are too distracted by dumb shit like racism to come after them and take it.

    The only race I really, truly hate is the human race. I have no problem admitting that I'm prejudiced against them. I don't care what color pussy you came out of, the fact you came out of any pussy at all pisses me off. I automatically hate everyone I see. It's up to them to change my mind. Few ever do. That's why I love racism. It keeps you assholes busy. It keeps the news filled with delicious violence. More teary eyed victims for me to jerk off too, and more pictures of corpses to enjoy. And less live humans means more peace and quiet. Oh hate, how do I love thee! Can't we all just get along? Fuck, I hope not.
  4. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member


    Your anger stems from the lack of birth right you scuzz fucking letch. Look at that dirty whore you call a wife, girlfriend or shemale. Your anger or hate as you call it humors me. Ambiguity serves your spicey tongue well, but it is all very rudimentary. You may think you have all of that in you, but assuredly only if you did a stint with a Spec. Ops unit, could you even fathom that of which you speak. Since there are only a small faction of people with the nerve to do the things you speak, the odds favor you reign supreme only in this fugly little world. I would have you submissive in less than a day. You would be turning chicken tricks for me in under a week and sucking the man-butter out of withering old fags at some aids hospice to make me an extra fin a week. So fuck you and your loud mouth. You are one to talk of my bantor you clown...look at all your entries. There is a new Sheriff in town and his pointy boots are stuck up your loose & bloody ass.

    What third world pit do you reside anyway?

  5. Fecal Leaker

    Fecal Leaker New Member

    why don't u see if u can fit 8 more paragraphs in your COCKSUCKING posts?? For FUCK'S SAKE

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    " has got to learn to make the best of the horror, ...this thing, however frightful you wish to imagine it, ceases to be horrible for you immediately it acquires the power to make you discharge; It is, hence, no longer horrible save in the eyes of others, but who is to assure me that the opinion of others, almost always erroneous or faulty in every other connection, is not equally so in this instance?"

    -Marquis de Sade
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    Ambiguity serves your spicey tongue well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you as well methinks mister sherrif sir...

    or do you have the balls to walk through the ghetto in full "spooky ghost" halloween costume with "neohate - whites unite" playing on your wogbox...
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    look at all your entries...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    hehehe... so how many posts do i have on this forum?
  9. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Silly fucking Wanker..."wogbox" makes you suspect. Bloody hell egh. And c'mon give me somthing for the "sucking man-butter out of withering old fags at the Aids Hospice" That was so masterful!
  10. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    shut your fucking pie hole before I beat you like your dad beats your mom

    Im Chocked full of Iconoclast and its pronounced like this
  11. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    listen, you over weight sack off smashed assholes, why did you come in here to air out your dirty laundry, your first post starts out telling everyone that you are a 370 lbs. man with a hot wife(sounds like a load of shit to me), from there you insist on blathering on about your fucked political views. Who the fuck cares. You are full of the same shit you spew out here. Your're just a small minded loser who likes useing cut and paste. Did you steal all the bullshit from some one you know and thought was cool, or did you get it from a white supremist web site, not that it matters. You are just another fucking sheep, blindly following the herd heading towards your slaughter, you just took a short cut and ended up here.

    New Sheriff of Fugly...come on, sounds like somebody's having delusions.

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  12. StrangeDischarge

    StrangeDischarge New Member

    Another liberal pussy peeks out from under the rug. What Regal Forum is this that I of feeble mind might not speak truth. EAT COCK LITTLE MAN, and yes, that posting of mine was so deep....if that all seemed contrite you need to back to that Jr. College and hit the books wizard.

    I HATE NAGGERS New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    I share a love with many of you for dimentia in all its forms
  14. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    Liberal pussy? Well I am a registered in the GOP and voted for Bush hoping for that upperclass tax break. Yes, I did attened a jr. college for a short period of time, Champlain College, fortunatly for me its one of the best in the country, from there is was Union college. The funniest part is that this was all unneeded, I had made my first million before I left high school, and currently own my seventh business, a concert production company, which is currently working out a deal to be sold to SFX, the largest of such companies in the world. If the deal goes through I will have retired before you have even come to terms with the fact that you are only a pawn, and when you have relised this I will be living on a beach in Costa Rica, you will be stuck in DC still fat and still living a wasted life.

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  15. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    Oh, yes I also forgot to mention that I am only 24. Makes yelling at protesters seems a little juvinile dosen't it?

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  16. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrangeDischarge:
    There is a new Sheriff in town<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Uh?What do you think this place is? 'Toon Town'? Dickhead! Have you made that sign yet? Why don't you make one that says 'I'm an arsehole-Please shoot me'. Or better still just shoot yourself... And while your at it you can stick that book of quotations up your arse aswell!

    [This message has been edited by PinkorBrown69 (edited March 05, 2001).]
  17. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuck-It:
    I had made my first million before I left high school, and currently own my seventh business, a concert production company, which is currently working out a deal to be sold to SFX, the largest of such companies in the world<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hey buddy.. mate.. chum...
    you couldn't lend us a few bucks till payday...
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    what about niggers like LT jackson? they suck too.. and spics like bobby peru

    Im Chocked full of Iconoclast and its pronounced like this
  19. Fuck-It

    Fuck-It New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy:
    hey buddy.. mate.. chum...
    you couldn't lend us a few bucks till payday...


    Sorry dude, being bought out so my assests need to remain constant until all is said and done, and the rest are in offsore Costa Rican accounts.

    I think I've gone Insane, I can't remember my own name.
  20. PinkorBrown69

    PinkorBrown69 New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by I HATE NIGGERS:


    When Byrd said "There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time." Did that mean he lived in the same street as Drag_Act? Just wondering...


    [This message has been edited by PinkorBrown69 (edited March 05, 2001).]

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