The sale _ expected to be finalized in early March _ would put Dubai Ports in charge of major shipping operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. Lets see where there located on the map. LOL Democratic foolish fucks want so bad to make political hay but without stating there case as to why specifically. When the pres veto's any bill against it they will have to make their case and in doing so join in the war agains terror.
Dubai is a US military base :wink: The Prez is pro libtrade right. Thats what it means in the states when you are against the liberal policias of the left. It means you are for the economics of Liberalisms. Just like red It means that you are not communist. And since he is all for liberal international free trade, it is in good caracter to support free trade in good faith :wink:
Xerx, you do not appreciate the irony here because you are not seeing it from the American political perspective. This is an ingenious strategic move like in a game of chess. He is forcing the Dems to play his game for him. I can see it plain as day now I gotta go see if all the talking head pundits are seeing it my way or at least which ones have keyed into this strategy. I guess its time to tune into FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. You know for a shit-bag commie liberal that Chris Matthews is pretty sharp I bet he figures it out. As well as that ex Clinton adviser wtf was his name? He got hung out by Bill and his cronies. He is quick to pick up on these strategies.
Nah he is a serious dedicated communist. He would keep his mouth shut and run back to warn and key democratic players he could and strategize as to how to work against it. Chris Matthews is a commie but with more class as journalist go. And the other one ... damn it I gotta go look the bastard up he is sharp as a tack and would rail about the genius involved in the plan. I'm telling you the dems are going to have to squirm on this one. But the pres has to lay it all out and force the dems to explain in detail what is wrong with giving port security to the Arabs. And in doing so go against what they have been saying for the past four years. Dick Morris that’s it!