No snow here been out doing some yard work but there are news reports titled "Snowmegeadon" on the internet and I hear some areas closer to 30" Still believe in global warming?
Pictures of the snow around the DC area look like a lot more inches than reported. Here is a stupid yankee measuring 20" to look like only 16" if your an idiot and do not notice the yardstick is upside down 36" - 16" = 20" Historic Storm Pummels Delaware Valley Parts Of Region Could See Up To 30-Inches Statement as of 5:38 PM EST on February 06, 2010
Im stuck in doors, but by choice, screw this freezing ass weather! We have had snow/ice twice now. With more to come. I wanna go back to Flordia :frown:
its kinda warm here... like thin sweater, no jacket weather. But I am stuck with 7 parvo puppies .. doing fluids and crap.. cleaning up puke and shit... good times. Oh and in an hour, the stupid bitch is bringing 5-6 more. FUCKING shity breeder.... I hate her, but I dont want them to die, and she paying 150$ per puppy. Her whole "stock" from her store is sick. She did not want to spend the 500-600 at a regular vet... and this fucking bitch has THESE puppies on the internet store's website for sale ranging from 900- 2600...
Your one of the lucky ones Rhonda. Colesville, Maryland got as much as 40 inches. And get this there is more to come. Historic snowstorm enters the record book M. Ressler, Lead Meteorologist, The Weather Channel Feb. 6, 2010 8:09 pm ET The snowstorm is over but what a legacy it has left behind. Widespread totals of a foot to over 30 inches have been reported in southern Pennsylvania, West Virginia, northern Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, southern New Jersey and the District of Columbia. Localized amounts reached 36 inches. Here are some snowstorm records: Philadelphia's second greatest snowstorm with 28.5 inches Pittsburgh's fourth greatest snowstorm with 21.1 inches Baltimore's greatest two-day snowfall with 26.5 inches Washington's fourth greatest snowstorm with 17.6 inches Dulles Airport's greatest two-day snowfall with 32.4 inches Here are the highest snowfalls by state: Wilmington, Delaware 26.5 inches Mount Holly, New Jersey 28.5 inches Upper Strasburg, Pennsylvania 31 inches Colesville, Maryland 40 inches Leesburg, Virginia 34.5 inches Lehew, West Virginia 34 inches At the height of the storm, winds gusted from 40 to 60 mph along the coast. A new storm will move from California to New England over the next 4 days. Winter storm warnings are already in effect for the Southwest mountains. Winter storm watches and a few winter storm warnings already extend eastward from the Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma and Kansas to Indiana and north to south from eastern North Dakota and Minnesota to northern Arkansas. This new storm will reach the Northeast by midweek and could be a major snowstorm from Pennsylvania to southern New England. Cities like Philadelphia have already had their second snowiest winter on record. Will this next storm push them over the top?
We didn't get that much snow, thank god. Not even half that much. Worst snows I can remember were in like in '93 and '03 or somewhere thereabouts. I lived on a really busy street during the last one and no one was out. You weren't allowed on the streets or you would be ticketed and people were riding 4 wheelers down the street. I feel for the people who have lost power or had trees down. I also feel for the animals. I throw out deer corn everyday and bird seed. I hope they can find it in all this snow.
Did anyone have a white X-mas? We had a shit load of snow X-mas day, last time I remember a white X-mas was when I was about 10. I cant stand the cold, but I'm glad it happened for my kids sake. They enjoyed the hell out of it.
Snow in all 50 states OU Student Collecting Pictures of Snow in All 50 States Posted: Feb 11, 2010 4:55 PM CST Updated: Feb 11, 2010 10:36 PM CST Dallas has record snowfall.
no snow yet but all schools closed because we might get 1-2 inches. I am about to go brave the grocery store...I know it will be crazy- everyone stocks up when the word SNOW is mentioned...
We got a lot of snow ... real quick like 4 inches in 2 hours. sucks. I want to put shoes on my dogs. Im at the Arabs house and this computer does not have speakers... so I have no idea how the audio turned out... and dont remember what all we said. I know I was bitching the whole time. The driveway was scary... I didnt start filming till after we slid a little..down the most scary part. I was sure we would side down the hill and into the creek.
I got stuck in Atlanta all week long. They finally get me fixed up on Friday afternoon.... after the fucking snow had already started!!! No offense, but these Atlanta assholes need to stay the FUCK OFF THE ROAD during a storm. I get to I-85 on friday evening.... but due to accidents they shut down the fucking interstate! So I got to spend the night sleeping on I-85 just because some idiot who shouldn't have a drivers license thought it was a good idea to haul horses friday night. 4 inches of snow in Atlanta. What the fuck is next.....