Anyone seen the trailer for that new reality show about high school chearleaders? if you haven't, I saw the pilot, it looks cool. They're all so... peppy, i remember a lot of my friends in high school were cheerleaders. Those were the days...
you CHEERLEAD TOO? WHERE? omfg that is so kewl i love cheerleading, all of my BFFL's are cheerleaders, i'm 17/f/california by the way..... what's your asl btw? lol, omfgrollahsfiwishwhiponewasstillhere
I think it's a male cheerleader. If that is the case, smiles, you just made a new best friend. Like, totally.
Smiles uses that same line when he's cruising the chatrooms. He meets up with the dudes in a dark alley and before they know what's going on he pulls the gun on them and forces himself on their baloney ponies: reverse-rape.
LOL no I'm not a cheerleader - a lot of my friends from high school were though. I was on the soccer team. I just saw the pilot for that show at work (I work with lifetime sometimes) so I thought I'd see if you guys heard of it. Oh, I'm not a dude so smiles can't have his way with me btw hehe sorry smiles - better luck with the next 'damn noob'
you do understand that I require some sort of pictoral evidence to support this claim, i shall expect nothing less than 5 unique photos in my PM box by this time tomorrow or your claim will be considered unsubstantiated and open to ridicule
Charles Manson is a person, does that mean we're supposed to like him. How about George W. Bush? Just because you're a person doesn't mean we have to like you. I'm sure Dan is a person, nobody really seems to like him.