jesus christ it was hard as fuck trying to figure out how to post a new topic on this site now that it's all new and shit... anyways i'm bored and drinking by myself. what's been going on here? i see nothing of real interest.
i'm making fun of american idol contestants that sucked on myspace... i added them to my friend's list just so i could post deragatory comments on their pages. that's how bored and wasted i am. at least i can still type straight. Link to the story. He had 3 kids and a wife and that wasn't his wife. I think they were split up. He was a pretty nice kid.
aw man, that's... an awful... lot to read. sorry to hear about it. hey bungle. how are things here? i see you still faithfully post though it seems kind of dull.
Well, I feel pretty safe. I'm pretty sure you can't give me an STD as long as you are physically more than 25 miles away.