Conservative. Reason is they use blacks like puppets and see themselves loosing their grip with the black community. It is the same reason they have such open and visceral hatred for Condi they are afraid of her. Obama, the only black U.S. senator, came to the state to rally support for Democratic Rep. Ben Cardin, who is white. Cardin's Republican opponent, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, is the first black candidate ever elected statewide and has been courting black Democrats. "Listen, I think it's great that the Republican Party has discovered black people," Obama said to laughter from students at the rally at predominantly black Bowie State University. "But here's the thing. ... You don't vote for somebody because of what they look like. You vote for somebody because of what they stand for."
Well I dropped my satellite package to the minimum cause I personally never really watch TV just Terri my wife. I do not live under a rock I get fox online but rarely go there not to mention that I go to other persons homes who watch FOX so I may mention something but as for Obama being on FOX I had no idea. Apparently you watch a lot of FOX because you bring it up all the time. If I did watch TV it would likely be fox though.
I work in a control room Joe. I have the weather channel on Foxnews,Cnn, & MSNBC. All you do is regurgitate aimless bullshit.
No what I said is that the Democrats take advantage of black people do really nothing for them. Brainwash them to think the "other guys" are against them. Pull their chain when they need to use them. I'm just pointing that out. Documenting it for posterity sake. They want to perpetrate the lie for a few more generations even though blacks are leaving their party and becoming more conservative. It scares the shit out of them that Steele could be the first Black Southern Senator They need to block that. And this one is very important to understand they are desperate to get Ford into the senate instead while blocking Steele. You do not see it. You’re an idiot though even though I paint a picture for you. Strategy is not your strong suite I can see.
Yes & Republicans ignoring them is so much better. How soon we forget the mistakes of Katrina..... Oh and it wasn't the Dems who cut welfare either was it?
Welfare reform was the best thing that happened for black people in decades. What went wrong in Katrina? Since your changing to yet another loosing topic you probably also know nothing about.
Yes the republicans flew in and saved the day! They did a bang up job of getting everyone out and responding to the disaster. Hey I know more about the topics then you do. You just take someone else opinion as your own.
So your saying the Government response to Katrina and everything that has happen since has been good? FEMA did a bang up job? If you answer yes to either one of these questions I'm putting you on ignore because your more ignorant then I thought.
How is that republicans fault? Katrina is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. The problem is not ineptitude of government agencies. The problem is people’s reliance on the government. Did you say you were a Libertarian? You’re not at all sounding like a Libertarian you might want to double check.
Hurricane Katrina was a disaster of huge proportions. Just to focus specifically on New Orleans for instance which by the way is probably the absolutely most liberal place in the country with a corrupt local and state government dominated by Democrats. It was local government that dropped the ball then the state. The federal government has NO jurisdiction there unless invited in by the state. Requests to the State of Louisiana were made and refused. Then on top of that the reaction was just as quick as was hurricane Andrew or Hugo. So what’s the problem? Hurricane Katrina as well as the Trade center incident and the Gas shortage were all HUGE drains on the economy. Despite this look at us now. Record low unemployment rates. Record low home mortgage interest rates. Record high DOW industrial average numbers. Look Grim just look. Yeah given the circumstances the Republicans have done a hell of a job post Katrina. But somehow you know it is still a Democratic haven. And it’s all about spin to don’t let yourself be a victim of the spin.