Better Caption?

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by ucicare, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  2. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    I guess with an IQ of less than 60 this would not only make sense, but be slightly funny.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    or with an IQ over 140, it's deep, relevent, and funny as hell.

    UA has a long history of discrimination and racism. Better today, but still present in the old guard. Wallace stood on it's steps. The first Black player didn't come along until 1972. The first black assistant was long after that.

    Bryant died 20 years ago. Alabama fans still believe that he was God and would rise from the dead. They have been looking for the next incarnation of the Bear for 20 years now.

    Four year ago Alabama passed over a Balck coach with all the credentials in favor of the "next white Bear". Think that I'm kidding? Bryant and Shula look almost exactly alike at the same age. And then there was this little print being sold -

    Anyway - the captioned picture simply says this -

    Bear Bryant is reincarnated. He looks just like the old bear to everyone, until he reveals himself at the microphone. At that point the Black man gets the reward of his suffering, while the powers at Alabama get a little lesson in cosmic redemption. The look on Mal Moores face is the joke.

    I wouldn't expect a Bulldog fan to understand. Nor would I expect most Alabama fans to think it's funny. But it is.
  4. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Barry, I think you are digging way too deep for a laugh.

    You could have just said the caption was "DYN-O-MITE"

    As in,

    "When the new head coach was announced at Alabama was asked how he felt regarding his new position, he said one word, "DYN-o-MITE"!
  5. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Rizzle Tizzle, my bizzle.

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