In April of 2007 I was diagnosed with systemic lupus which has become a real pain in the ass. First off as anyone knows a thing or two about lupus, there is no cure. I am constantly having to take predinsone (a type of steroid) ecveryday 3 x a day. This medicine makes you feel terribile along with giving you an uncontrollabe appetite. The pain it causes in your joints, nerve damage it does, and lowers your immune system makes it realy hard to cope with. I am on everday regimen of pain medication that is raely getting old to haft to take. I just wondered if there is anyone else out there who has this horribile disease and could give me some coping skills? I am also the single mom of a 4 year old and I'm terrorfied that I am going to miss out on much of his life, I am the only parent figure in his life. Luckily I have my mom and dad that we have been forced to move back in with-i'm very grateful for their love and help they have given us. I heard a great quote today from a 100 yr old man that says "disappointments in life are not a reason to give up", but sometimes this is easier said than done. I wont lie I go thru angry days, guilt filled days (bcuz im not the poster child of someone who has taken great care of themselves) and for some reason even though I know how bad i hurt, with all the idiots who have made drs. have to be suspicious prescribing pain meds- i sometimes feel bad asking for anything. So if thers anyone out there with any advice on staying positive, not bad 4 needing meds, and how to keep going 4 the only love of my life my son: please feel free to give me some advice (I'm very open minded):frown:
Acupuncture, dietary advice and herbs from a reputable Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner can benefit anyone and everyone no matter what sort of imbalance they have got. If it's an incurable condition, they can at least help a person manage it and reduce the overall impact on their wellbeing by addressing the areas that can be improved upon. Either that, or there is in fact a magic elixir/panacea that was discovered right here at fugly. If you're lucky, Professor Dwaine Scum M.D Ph.D (or one of his budding subordinates) will be along to offer it shortly.
That's what I like about him. He's to-the-point and doesn't waste your time. He also warms his hands before breast exams.
hey, sometimes i care too much. P.S. I warm my hands by putting them in my pants and holding my balls before your breast exam