It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again... The Lieberman/Kyl amendment passed in the Senate yesterday. Basically it is about combating and containing Iran. Iran isn’t actually doing anything but they need to be stopped anyway because they are part of an overall plan and that plan hasn’t really got anything to do with what any of the targets involved are engaged in. They are just there as parts of the plan and the plan demands that they be presented as obstacles to the plan so that they can be rearranged according to plan. That’s clear isn’t it? In 1998 we had the Iraq Liberation Act. Now we have the Lieberman/Kyl amendment, courtesy of Israeli sock puppet, Smokin’ Joe Lieberman. It’s like déjà vu all over again as the redoubtable Yogi Berra once said. A big part of the déjà vu all over again factor is that Hillary Clinton, who voted to go to war against Iraq and has, more or less, admitted that she was wrong about that has now started voting for the same thing all over again for Iran. So did Harry Reid and 26 other ‘democratic’ senators. There is no more America in the sense that one might have understood it to be. That’s gone. There is no more democratic process. There is no more freedom except to do as you are told. The Democrats swept into congress on an anti-war ‘get out of Iraq’ sentiment expressed by the American people at the polls. It was a clear hope in the minds of the majority of Americans that this would lead also to penetrating investigations into the secret apparatus of a criminal administration and thereby to impeachment proceedings as well. Something… someone… stopped it all dead. Bad shit is twisting in the wind. Horrible possibilities are afoot. Fountain pens filled with human blood are dancing across documents filled with a dense fabric of words that twist like venomous snakes across the page. Signatures… handshakes… cocktails in the VIP lounge… hail fellows, well met, exchange crocodile smiles as the promise of black bags filled with cash are dancing like sugar plums in their minds. They know what’s up; you don’t. Everything is just the way it is supposed to be… all over again. They didn’t win the war in Afghanistan. They are not winning the war in Iraq. It’s time to move on to another war in a country with a much stronger military, more people and much more land. It’s time to really pound the living shit out of someone and that someone, is Iran. It’s another war based on the same lies that started the other wars and it’s going to be an economic boomtown; quite literally. It’s going to go ‘BOOM!’ and money and freedom and the grace of God are going to come down like bloody confetti as if Mount St. Helens had gone off all over again. One million dead Iraqis is not enough. A human crisis of four million homeless Iraqis is not enough. The genocide in Gaza and the West Bank is not enough. The murderous assault on Lebanon was not enough. Never mind that the residents of Iraq had nothing to do with requesting this kindness. Never mind that the residents of Gaza and the West Bank had nothing to do with requesting this kindness. Never mind that the residents of Lebanon had nothing to do with requesting this kindness… just never mind. Stick those ear-buds back into place and turn on the GameBoy. Hot searing agony… women and children and men… lives ripped apart… body parts flying… the wailing of the survivors, their lives bleeding away into the sand. All of this constructed for the profit and entertainment of the men and women for whom this is just business as usual… all over again. Private Contractors shooting women, children and men for sport… free from all legal complication… ‘Rape and pillage, rape and pillage, let’s go out and burn a native village. You can’t have one, you can’t have one, you can’t have one without the other…’ Don’t ask yourself why. You don’t want to know why. Don’t wonder why private contractors exceed the number of troops and why they are paid obscene amounts of money while the soldiers subsist on poverty pay. Don’t question what Custer Battles and Bechtel and Halliburton and others have been up to. Don’t ask, don’t tell and don’t look. What would Jesus do? Jesus wept. Fat, red-cheeked, Christian ministers with a flash of gold at the wrist exhort the faithful that it is God’s will (See: Ucicare) that these heathens must burn in Hell fire on Earth. Afterwards they frolic with young boys and girls and sleep on black bag pillows filled with cash. The rapture is coming… the rapture is coming… And the media is all the same media and the lies are all the same lies and the walking dead, no longer American flesh-bots parade in their quivering Jello suits; these steamer trunk bodies of the over-fed, unthinking prisoners of runaway appetite. WE ARE THE EMPIRE!!! In countries around the globe, dishonorable men and women sell their souls for black bags filled with cash and promises of more to come while millions await the price they have to pay so that these bloat-bags of false gravitas can dine in the High Tower far above the carnage and the torment. Step by step… the same thing all over again. On the one hand, a nation of self-indulgent fools, seduced by vapid entertainments and obvious lies, step back and let the murders continue and increase as they lose everything that made their excesses possible. On the other hand… terror and torture and want. It’s like a movie we were watching and then we turned around and found ourselves inside of it. But you know what I’m talking about. You KNOW. Deep inside you know that this is wrong. It takes more than what you are, what you have become, to stand forth and be counted against it. It’s the easier way for each of you to hide among the millions and risk the odds that you won’t be seen and known for the coward that you are. Later you can tell the tale of how you did everything you could. Later you can manufacture and embellish the lie of how you were among the few who found their courage in the final hour; no, you will tell us all how steadfast you were at the start and how steadfast you remained. There are others who laugh at this. There are others who sneer and mock and make light of every dreadful moment as each new one exceeds the other. I don’t know what to make of either of you. You have made something of yourselves that I cannot define. Neither fit into a category that is recognizably human as I understand it. There is a Sufi tale of a master who had three disciples. He gave each of them a chicken and told them to go and kill it where no one could see them. Two of the disciples came back fairly quickly with a dead chicken. The third did not come back for a long time and when he returned he still had the live chicken in his hands. The master asked him what had happened. The disciple answered. “I could not do it master. Everywhere I went the chicken could see.”
Interesting and what role does kim jung sung play in all of this? hugo chaves? valadamire pootin? armihad armchairiadian?
You mean that the befuddling idiot and a evil looking squirrelly pervert, and a flush faced preacher in lower Alabama are the axis of evil pulling all the strings for the world dictators? :frown:
But if you are after a serious answer, what does it matter? How do the personal aspirations of Kim Jong or any other dictator make any difference to the evils perpetrated by the number one military might on the planet? Stop trying to change the subject.
Well I am not trying to change the subject it is just that there is a lot of evil in the world. It could be considered that even at war Iraq is loosing less lives than it did under the Saddam regime. But you are fixated on proving the evils of the U.S. You and a tidal wave of internet posters. Consider that Russia is returning to pre-democracy tactics of terrorizing its own people using the secret police and these nations are cutting off free speech and putting people in jail for saying things against your country. In all you're worldly concerns I never see you mention anything about it. However you seem to utilize hours and hours of time studying conspiracy issues against the great and evil America. Forget about arguing the validity of your claims. My concern is that you indicate no concern what so ever about these very real and brutal communist dictatorships. One could say well she is more concerned with the current issue at hand the epitome of evil the BUSHIE NEOCONS. Another of my famous and incredibly accurate predictions. In two years your "Neocons" will be controlling the new left wing government in America and the Evil enemies will be the prevailing focus of concern of no concern to you will be the atrocities occurring then in Venezuela. Of no concern of yours will be the Russian war machine build up. Of no concern to you will it be that Russia has taken Iran to the level or intimidating the world with Russian technology nuclear bombs. Of no concern to yourself that the scientific community will have come full circle in their supposed theory of man made global warming. And that Glogal warming lies enabled the change to socialist power take over. The list goes on.
What is happening is just a modern version of religous crusades. it has nothing to do with terrorists and everything to do with oil and religion. I hope that Iran doesn't do anything, because they might have a chance to reveal america to be the asshole bully of the world that it really is. Iran is being backed into a corner and if they lash out, there will be so much spin on it, we'll be brainwashed into thinking that Iran was 'bad' and needs to be stopped. (not that that is happening already) Its just a joke. Joe.. America is being the most picked on because, it is doing the most damage. Its out there getting in everyones faces.
A few questions. Has anything evil ever occurred in Iran? Has Armchairidian ever uttered evil words? Were their elections legit? Are people intimidated there? Are Iranians of 5 years ago more or less free than they are today? Does the worlds largest sand dune floating on an ocean of oil have any need for nuclear energy? Who assists Iran in their quest for nuclear capability? Do you agree that Muslims should behead all infidels?
Iran is now the state of a 1st world nation, they have their own infrastructure just like Iraq did and they are generally self sufficient that's one of the reasons they must be destroyed. The same reason as why agriculture and jobs in the west are being moved to other countries, because it creates a dependancy that the people in power can exploit.
Has anything evil ever occurred in Iran? Has Armchairidian ever uttered evil words? Were their elections legit? Are people intimidated there? Are Iranians of 5 years ago more or less free than they are today? Does the worlds largest sand dune floating on an ocean of oil have any need for nuclear energy? Who assists Iran in their quest for nuclear capability? Do you agree that Muslims should behead all infidels?
Not trying to bait ya Dis just think about what or who molds your perspective. What other angles are there? I have no doubt that money is the root of all evil. I read that once. They got money and oil and we have money and need for oil. Doesn’t India also? China? Eastern Europe? Western Europe? If man made global warming is a lie. Then who perpetuated the lie and why? If every automobile were forced to produce half the Carbon monoxide today would the number of cars double in the world in three years with India and China industrializing? Stop going to your answer machine for the questions they want you to ask and proclaiming loudly and proudly the answers they want you to spread. Think Just think.
America has debt. We don't have any money. It's the American way to be in debt. We don't own our houses, our cars... we don't even 'own' our college education. What about our emergency reserve? What's going on with that? Do we even know how much we allegedly have? Gas prices are upwards of $2.60 a gallon and minimum wage is what? $5.85/hr? Hardly makes sense for someone making minimum wage to drive to work, now does it? Wow... that was a lot of question marks!
Only one question mark. So we have a problem and the situation is pathetic and dire. We are powerless to act except once every few years. When we get the opportunity to address all our woes at the polls. What is the convenient answer to the dilemma?
The point don't have any choice. You are fooled into believing you have power when you have none at all. The only answer is to wake up to this fact. Then you will have power - i.e. knowledge.
What bothers me is the fact that America is in Iraq trying to "save the iraqi people and bring democracy to the region" but they won't go to Burma and save the people there.If the US wants to play world police they need to show the world it is not all about oil and are willing to help any oppressed people but that will never happen because how would they pay Blackwater and Haliburton.
In Burma there is no oil for the greedy resources-wasting Americans. That's why they are not interested in bringing "democracy" to them. By the way, the Human Rights Charta gives all the peoples in the world the right to self-determine their political system. American politicians ignore the fact that some peoples want to have a monarchy or a socialist scheme, for example.
Excellent, 2 more people who wont accept the lie. Remember, there's the sword, the pen and there's the truth and it is the mightiest of all.
American hate speech, blah, blah, blah, blah. So Americas out there the world has spoken and they know the truth. George Soros has invested hundreds of millions of anti-democracy, socialist dollars to get his truth out. The world has now been informed that Christianity is a fraud. Islam is a peaceful religion. America flew planes into its buildings for an excuse to attack Iraq and did so for oil. The world knows thanks to Georges funding movies and extreme amounts of bandwidth so that soft spoken asswipes can in excruciating and boring detail numb peoples minds with one lie after another until the truth is so convoluted that even reasonable people start to consider that even if its all not true somewhere in the massive ten quadrillion tons of evidence there most be enough to prove G.W. really is evil. The world is baking and Al Gore has set the deadline just a mere 4 years left before we all bake like a Thanksgiving turkey and when some old person dies in an apartment in any small or large city Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Central America, Australia, North America. You can be certain the diagnosis will be heatstroke and the ultimate cause will be American greedy power lust. Only one question mark. So we have a problem and the situation is pathetic and dire. We are powerless to act except once every few years. When we get the opportunity to address all our woes at the polls. What is the convenient answer to the dilemma? It is interesting what the sworn enemies of American freedom think about the American election system and who they hope to see in power. Gleefully they dance in the streets joyfully celebrating. Meanwhile it is interesting to see which voice the American left simply want to shut up. And what sort of news breaks their cold dark hearts. So we have a problem and the situation is pathetic and dire. We are powerless to act except once every few years. When we get the opportunity to address all our woes at the polls. What is the convenient answer to the dilemma?