Bad Day at Camp Happy

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ucicare, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Just wanted to let everyone know that today really sucked at Camp Happy. Contrary to the image I love to project, things do not always go perfectly well in my life.

    I am in the process of renovating a rental house to sell. Everyday I find something else wrong with it that has to be fixed. It has become the money pit. The high humidity here has caused it to literally melt from corrosion. I have replaced EVERYTHING made of metal. The termites are taking care of the rest.

    And both of my kids are spoiled brats. They think they are too good to work for anything, and expect it to be handed to them. I planned to buy my daughter a car, and let her work to pay it back. I found a used Lexus ES300 (1995) that was nice, AND SHE REFUSED IT BECAUSE IT WAS TOO OLD.

    My oldest is in college, and gets mad everytime I ask her to do anything around the house because "she has to study."

    I have created monsters.

    I am thinking of killing them both, placing their bodies in the rental house and setting it on fire. That should just about handle all three problems at once.

    I will buy a new boat with the insurance money. Then Camp Happy will be back to normal.

    Any suggestions or words of encouragement would be appreciated.

    Any mean or sarcastic replies, and you will be added to the list of guests invited to the house warming party. :twisted:

  2. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    How many miles does the Lexus have on it and how much do they want for it?
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I do not know if it is still available. It had 120,000 on it, and I could buy it for $5750.00. Very clean, ran great. Leather on drivers side looked a little worn.

    I have a 1993 ES 300 that is the best car I ever owned. It has 220,000 on it, and runs like new. I made a vow to drive it until either me or it dies.

  4. mia

    mia New Member

    Barry, you are not alone! My eldest son has taken up electric guitar and expects me to buy him a FENDER STRATOCASTER ( prop spelt that wrong )!! He cannot see why this demand is laughed at. And as usual " it is SO not fair, and he wishes he was never born!!!!!

    Give me strength!
  5. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    When I'm feeling down...

    I ask myself two questions...

    Am I on fire?

    Do I have both of my ankles?

    Usually the answers are yes and no.

    Then I feel better.
  6. mia

    mia New Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    A Lexus? and you wonder why she's a spoiled brat. let her work at Burger King and save up for a Ford Escort. I imagine you were going to pay the insurance for this Lexus too. But I guess if they have already been trained to behave like this it's probably too late to change things. My daddy gave me a Lumina with a bent frame, no breaks, over 100k miles and the paint is peeling off. And it really isn't mine. Its in his name. And look what a grateful cunt I have become....

    Mia, buy the Fender. Rock stars are cool. Music is good for the brain. It's better for him than video games and dope. Help your son be cool.
  8. mia

    mia New Member

    Was waiting for someone to say that! Told him he will have to save up if he wants one of those! He has three hundred saved but no patience. As he is new to electric guitar ( he can play acoustic, and piano ), I think he can wait for the Fender!! Dont worry he thinks he is way cool already!
  9. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Make sure someone doesn't try to pass off a Mexican Stratacaster as an American Stratacaster. They don't have the quality control on the Mexicans which are by the way alot cheaper for good reason.
  10. mia

    mia New Member

    Will keep that in mind as he he now looking to get one second hand. Do you play guitar? If so, a cheap one will do for a beginner wont it? Prob is he is a bit of a "dude, and has his image to think of", he is driving me crazy! :?
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    tell him like my parents told me, "get a job and buy what you can affoird, well i started seling coke, and had a ford bronco 2 with $5000 woth of stereo and seuirity shit, but I paid for it all myself
  12. sickem

    sickem New Member

    Remind the one daughter that a car for her is a luxury, not a necessity nor an entitlement, and that you expect her to meet you halfway. Offer her the 401k car-buying plan: you'll contribute matching funds to every dollar she earns herself towards it. That if she wants a late-model used that costs $10k, she needs to first cough up $5,000 herself. If she gets pissy about it, tell her fine, forget everything and good luck with it on her own.

    Tell your student daughter that if people who work a full-time job can find time to do house chores, she certainly can and will, too. Or she can earn an exemption from chores for every semester she scores straight As. Until then, she can STFU and make herself useful. Especially if you're paying her school tab.

    Spoiled kids - Christ, don't get me started.... :evil:
  13. Checkmate

    Checkmate New Member

    I would only pay for the car after 500 hours of Feeding the homeless or donating time to help someone less fourtunate then themselves, a good healthy dose of humility goes along way.

    On the lexus discussion, if she doesn't like the car, she can always buy her own. I would give her the speech that your just enforcing antiquated stereotypes of the Gulf Coast daddy's girl, "DADDY I DON"T WANT THAT LEXUS, IT'S TOOOOOOO OLD, **STOMPS FEET AND HUFFS*" your not doing anything to help her survive on her own, or reassure her independance in the big bad world.

    On the not pulling her weight discussion, just stop doing things for her, funny how independant people become when they have to do things for themselves.

    On the rental home sitution. Pay some mexicans or cubans as the case may be to do it, the authorties never believe them anyways. collect the insurance money, move it off shore into a nice hedge fund and watch it grow. Borrow against your current house, build the new place, rent it out, mortgage paid each month, lump of cash off shore and untouchable. thing will be looking up.
  14. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    So tempting.... but I think I'll just hire the Mexicans to finish the project, and sell the thing to an unsuspecting snow bird from Wis-cun-sin or Mee-chi-gen.

    I entend to invest the money in the first offering of Fugly.Com stock. I have heard IOP buzzes for months now. Since Fugly can back all of the investments with his palacial real estate holdings, I figure it to be a safe investment.

    As far as the kids go, I plan to give them each $100.00 and a car, and then emancipate them. The door locks behind them on exit. I will then move, and not leave a forwarding address.

  15. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    I'm in the blame it all on the parents camp. I figure anyone who would trash their own kids on the internet probably isn't doing alot of things right anyway. Call me stupid but I'm thinking I'm going to be able to outsmart my kids into being the way I want them to be. Of course I don't have any kids yet............
  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Don't confuse venting with trashing.

    Your comment "I'm thinking I'm going to be able to outsmart my kids into being the way I want them to be" shows just how unbelieveably Narcissistic and ignorant you really are.

    Since you are of the "blame it all on the parents" camp, I do not feel bad in declaring that your Mother and Father are grossly incompetent based on them haviong you as an outcome. :shock:

  17. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    I got a question for you Barry? What do you think the chances are of your kids going hog wild on taking drugs as soon as they get into college? All the paranoid parents that I remember from high school that gave there kids drug tests and sent them to rehab for coming home drunk one night all wound up with the most screwed up kids with serious drug problems that lasted into their 30's. What kind of message do you think your sending your kids about themselves and their intelligence to make choices when you treat them like they were in a prison camp? Something to think about.
  18. mia

    mia New Member

    That makes me laugh! I was the same before I had kids though. I had all the answers to perfect pain free parenting . . . . . . . :roll: Just wait until you have them and see if you are still in the same camp! Teenagers and parents are naturally at logger heads. We worry about them, they hate us and wish they were never born!!!!! :lol:
  19. bugs

    bugs New Member

    Hey, I mostly just lurk and read, but I gotta reply here.

    Dangerous Dan, you are a fuckin idiot. You stand right there and say that you have no kids, and then critize barry for trying to make his turn out ok.

    I agree with Mia. Wait to you get your own. Every asshole child expert that I ever heard about has no children. Get a few, raise them, and then criticize somebody's parenting style.

    Aren't you in medical school or something? I worked in a hospital long enough to know your type. Know it all, obnoxious, look down your nose at everyone, demand your own way, pout when you don't get it, spoiled ass arrogent Doctor dick sucking types.

    there, I feel better now.
  20. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Gee bugs you sound smarter when you're just lurking you phallic phase child molester. Thanks for the laugh though.

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