Hey folks, my friend is having NAT problems with Azureus. Its gone grey. I went over and designated a port and added azureus and the javaWsomething to the exceptions list. And, Nothing. Any help or even just pointing me in a helpful direction would be swell!
Yeah, we--the friend and I, have both. You can't download the samefile across the board. A lot of the movie files require azureus and won't connect for the download in bitlord. Thanks though Spooon & Pimp.
Mannually open the ports on your PC... Secondly, the program chooses locations at random to download, also with a waiting list , so there is no definate you will hook up to your friend to download... If you two want to cybersnoodle use the AIM ftp
First, disable XP firewall, if that works, get another firewall. .if he has an external dsl, that comes with its own firewall as well, so there's no need of having two up at the same time. XP firewall is a bit finnicky about exceptions.. .so try a 3rd party firewall.. mebbe itll help. .
Well it was off when the problem started. Like one day it worked and then the next it didn't. Also, the problem doesn't correlate with any downloads, system changes or hardware adds.
The both of you disable your Windows Firewall then try it again if it works thne that is the problem. I have a feeling it is. With the one day it did then the next it did not.
Kick the PC hard. Really hard. Chuck Norris hard. Then yank all the wires and cables out of the back of it. By now you should be breathing very heavily. Then - and this is the crucial step - pick up the monitor and, while yelling FUCK YOU AZUREUS, throw it against a wall ... or even better, through a window. This should fix the problem entirely.