The Oscars this year are yet another example of how left leaning the media is and all the apologists out there trying to take up for the media with arguments that its a business purely money driven are proven false here. Ann Coulter gets it dead on right once again exposing the Oscars for their ridiculousness. And she does hilarious fashion as always, this kind of stuff is why the socialist collage students hate her. And it’s also why she wins easily hands down in a debate with hundreds at a time. Enjoy :
Ann Coulter? The greatest ass-handing I've ever seen was between her and some dude on a news program talking about something I already forgot... But basically the guy was disgusted with her dumbass and was saying shit that made her look so stupid, like "We're liberal because we think that there's something more going on here, is that what you're saying?" and she was just blubbering like the dumb ho she is trying to peddle her book. She really didn't know what to say, because she knew she was wrong. Sure, she might have something good to say every once in a while, but who doesn't? Goddam Joe you just get sucked right in to everything someone on the news tells you, huh?
Last night the academy awards were on TV and I just have one word for it. Disgusting, utterly disgusting. What kind of country do we live in these days? Ang lee won for best director of a gay cowboy movie??? Hollywood is completely deaf to the rest of America or am I living in a country overwhelming populated with college faggots?
Hollywood is not America, that's why they have an "Academy" that gives out the awards. Otherwise they would just give them out based on ticket sales. If you don't care what Hollywood has to say, then don't listen. Nobody really gives a shit what George Clooney thinks anymore then anyone with a brain gives a shit what Ann Coulter thinks. I love the fact that Coulter constantly bitches about the "liberal" media. It's the same media that carries her Televised opinions, her books, and her web site, but they clearly have a liberal bias. Stupid cunt.
I have no idea who Ann Coulter is, as she hasn't made it as far as Australia. But I think she and Naomi Wolf should settle their differences with a jelly-wrestling contest.
She is qute. Good sharp points as well. And she might be among the avante garde, creating a brand new political correctness. ( The correct thing being to shoot on the ranch, and the range, and the reserve, and teach your children how to ). Says Ann Coulter. I could not agree more. It is nice that the male-dominated cowboy culture finally is forcebly restrained and un-closeted. The statistics on all those male-domination areas should be clear by now. Let the proud culture of the domination of the west stand buttock to buttock with the oiled buns of greek philosophers, carribean sodomizing pirates and jail"birds". It could well be that a subconcious yearning for the prarie is a factor in creating the wast american penal-system. Ride em in rawhide !