The mayor of London--he's a real fucking asshole! My Asshole of the Week Award is going to Ken Livingstone. As most of you know, he is currently the mayor of London. I would venture to say that most of you also know that he is a real fucking asshole! Why? He's another weak liberal apologist who makes it easier for the terrorists to blow up innocent people. What did he say after the fatal attacks on the bus and subway systems? Did he express outrage? Did he vow vengeance? No. Of course not. He's one of those motherfuckers who wants to understand the enemy and empathize with their poor plight. Instead he chose to blame the deaths of these innocent victoms on the policies of Prime Minister Blair and George Bush, which in effect labels terrorists as freedom fighters who haven't gotten a fair shake in life. Fuck Ken Livingstone and fuck the horse he rode in on. Terrorists need to be rooted out and stepped on like motherfucking cockroaches. They don't need to be understood. Hell, we already understand them. They are radical muslims who believe that all infidels should be put to the sword. So what should happen to Ken Livingstone? Well, my friends, in a just world he would be cornholed and shot without any further delay. But the world is far from just, and I do believe we have laws against that kind of behavior. So what can we do? Not a fucking thing, I'm afraid. However, we can call Mayor Livingstone out for what he really is--a real fucking asshole.