Artificial Life Form

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  2. Bluelola

    Bluelola New Member

    I suspect it may be a bad idea, not for any religious or philosophical reasons, but because the potential for a completely new bacterium to wreak untold and unforeseeable havoc is tremendous. Just think about a simple thing; a bridge. In engineering, it is (so far) not possible to anticipate the ramifications of every single part failure and its effect on the other bridge parts. Bridge engineers still cannot accurately predict (let alone prevent) bridge failure.

    The biology of a single multi-celled organism is millions of times more complex and less well understood than bridge engineering and failure analysis. So, while I love scientific advancement and knowledge, some types of biological experimentation have a larger Pandora's Box potential than others, and genetic engineering is the single most alarming development so far... not because I think it's "bad", but because we already have enough trouble keeping up with the new and dangerous organisms that develop all by themselves in nature, and I shudder to think what may become of new and completely novel organisms should they make their way into nature and start mutating and interacting with wild organisms.

    In other words, that might just fuck our shit all to hell and back.
  3. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    How do you think we got here? :rolleyes:
  4. MAJ Havoc

    MAJ Havoc Active Member

    Thanks for the bottom line. I was lost before you put in layman's terms.
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah I find it frightening also.


    It's scary to think this kind of shit can potentially fuck us all up.
  6. homer

    homer Member

    I have to agree,until we find out about everything that is in our oceans and rainforests and what impact and benefits they may have I don't think we should be messing around with new lifeforms and the potential disasters they could cause,especially when we can't cure or control the viruses and diseases we have now ie:bird flu.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I agree also but where is it that you draw the line?

    We are getting close with cloning. And the results of experiments have so far been negative.

    Was this pandoras box opened with the whole cloning mess?

    Homer, Nursey, Disorder, Pimp, Gen. Panic, Are you guys pro-abortion?
  8. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I think it is exciting. And at least it is being talked about. You have to be concerned with the shit that isn't being talked about. This could be a good thing. I mean the guy is a scientist AND a business man, so he's legit, right?

    The world is going to hell in a handbasket anyway.
  9. homer

    homer Member

    As far as the whole cloning thing I'm still undecided,I mean I think Mother Nature can do a whole lot better than we can and it might be soon time to leave well enough alone, although the possibility of cures for some terrible diseases is what has me undecided.

    The abortion issue is one I don't talk about very much,it being one of the hardest decisions that anyone has to make in life and I hope I am never faced with.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    A few points to ponder Homer

    As for what you say regarding cloning. Ok I understand your position a great deal. You speak of Nature doing a better job and I would say your referring to evolution. While I believe in creation I at the same time also believe in evolution. I think to a large part Darwin had it right.

    I also think the human race is to a large extent de-evolving in the industrialized countries. And in the third countries it is at the same standstill it has been in or also "devolving" I'll call it.

    To deep but to sum it up , reason = social structure creating an absence of genetic competition.

    As for abortion I'll respect you're position not to have a position and wait for someone who does to reply. My answer to their reply may make you think deeply on the subject at least I hope it will.

    Point of note Yes I may be a bit cocky thinking as if you care about my opinion. But in my defense it is simply because I'm approximatly two sheets to the wind. The only reason I'm still at the house is because I'm waiting to catch my snap. and Check the weather for more possible rain before I take a ride on the bike. Oh and fuck a damn spell checker!

    Regards, Joe
  11. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    It will probably be used to seed our genetic code on another suitable planet when we fuck this one up(or this planet again after spending many years in the stars)and the whole cycle will repeat.

    Scientists = gods

    This is not 'new' except to us humans in this lifetime, ah the frailty of the human mind and the limit of our intelligence. Its such a shame we had inadequate record keeping practices, we wouldn't have forgotten our pasts.

    This is the best news someone with my beliefs could hope for.

    What am I on about?

    we were seeded on this planet using the same methods that have just been discovered

    Genetics, its a funny old game.

    (religious note)
    The Manna machine was a real machine , it used high energy light to grow edible bacteria and was a gift from a higher level being, probably us, or similar beings.

    more for the case for

    Heaven is.. scientific discovery.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2007
  12. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    the machine

    So anyway, my point is that this high level of science is clearly possible, but we're children in this grand universe and at present political and social levels, we (or 'they', because 'we' will never be in control of it) are not ready to wield this kind of power but in the future when the evil enemy in (and currently gaining more) control is removed, this may will be essential to us surviving as a species, as long as they a) get it right b) arn't corrupted.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So are you pro-abortion?
  14. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    pro-choice, i think its up to individual circumstances.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    There is no pro-choice answer irregardless os weather it happens or not are you pro or against?

    I take it your saying you are pro-abortion?
  16. Disorder

    Disorder New Member

    firstly its regardless, adding the negative 'ir' to an already negative word makes it confusing. second there is a pro-choice, because a lot of people are pro-choice, but if you want to put into such a black & white context, then it would be pro-abortion, but then I'm not going to go round and force abortions on people nor will I continually preach it is a recommended procedure to everyone that passes me, hence it's up to the parents ie.. the 'choice' of parents, because what they do with their baby has fuck all to do with me.
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I hate the world irregardless.

    I am curious as to Joeslogic's stance on abortion. You can't ask a question and not at least give your input. :) At least I couldn't anyway.

    And by saying "pro-abortion" is not the same as "pro-choice", I'm thinking he may be a "pro-lifer."

    There are cicumstances in which an abortion is the best thing. If the baby is going to die or jeopardize the mother's health, I think it is acceptable. I also think that if a 14 year old girl is molested and ends up pregnant, she has the right to an abortion. I'm not so cool with women who have them just because they got 'knocked up'. I knew a girl who had three and talked like it was no big deal. I didn't much care for her after she talked about having one at 3-4 mos pregnant and how it was two parts. The first day she goes in and they attach this stuff to the fetus that kills it and the next day they suck it out. She wasn't the least bit fazed about it and that's pretty scary.

    But then again, a lot of children are born into this world who were unwanted and unloved and live terrible lives. So is killing them before they are born a mercy killing? Think of children who are horribly abused. Wouldn't you rather have never been born than to suffer at the hands of someone else for as long as you can remember?

    I think sterilization is the best choice. If you don't want them, get fixed at the government's expense. I'd rather pay for some scumbag's vasectomy than some of the alternatives.
  18. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Man isn't know for contemplating the repressions of their actions. The reason people like this want to create things is to become Gods themselves. Humans for some reason for our entire life span have been obsessed with becoming god and creating life.

    Which isn't wrong if you have read the bible as we were created in Gods image. So should we not have the ability to create life as God did? But since God is a fairy tale this has great problems then anything else.

    This man is basically a reverse engineer and he thru his ability has figured out how to create life. It will be a matter of years before he can rebuild the genetic code of humans better then before mixing in DNA from other animals and things.

    It's Dr. Monroe's island for real people.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Maybe a 'clean' race will be formed? Maybe a race that doesn't have to worry about cancer?
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I am anti-abortion, also anti-mean people, anti-bad hair days, anti-starvation, and anti-suffering.

    You throw around surface level one liners all the time But that is a deep answer and as I look into your replies I most always see a person with good intentions who would generally rather avoid the burden of considering all the evil trash in the world.

    For the record I am anti-abortion and also tend to be anti-government intervention. I am pro-changing people’s hearts. I believe when a social structure is relied upon to bring about morality then morality of its individual people is thrown out the window.

    Because of the fact however that a fetus is defenseless and needing someone to act on its behalf I think this is one of the areas where the greater community has a responsibility. That being said I tend to be on the fence about government intervention still.

    Dr. Monroe's island yes indeed it is.

    There is a god trust me Grim there was no big band that formed elements that caused gravity that randomly drew together dna chains that then formed one celled organisms that grew and advanced then formed limbs and the ability to think ....blah ...blah ...blah.

    We were created no doubt about it.

    Thanks for the input.

    I disagree that it is confusing. It is not but you should look into yourself as to why you have difficulty answering it.

    I refer to "the elites" not sarcastically but realistically. You are indicating in my opinion then that you are anti-abortion not unlike myself. You have been programmed however (by the elites) to spin the answer.

    I would bet it is safe to say that on balance we are of the same position on abortion however the threshold of our position on tolerance of it happening is different. You're point about wanting to use the word choice seems scripted right out of women’s rights advocacy literature. And it is not an answer it is skirting the subject.

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