I woke up this morning (very hungover I might add) and my left armpit stinks like the dickens (yea I said dickens) but my right armpit is fine, well really I guess neither one of them is something I would eat food off of, but why the hell does the left one reek so much more??!!
My guess is you slept more on yer left side. That side warmed, required cooling via sweating. Yer sweat probably reeks because of the booze. I drank last, but before I crash I drink a glass of water and take a vitamin B pill. Hangovers are dehydration and your body not having any vitamin b(12), (that's whats needed to flush the alcohol out of yer system).
not exactly but there was one that all I had to do was close my eyes and I couldve imagined myself in the seafood department of Publix,after they were without power for two days :shock: