Apparently to me that the media is afraid of Condi

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Every day this week Google news or should I say the Al Gore propaganda machine has plastered a picture of Condi Rice that they had to go through a few hundred frames to find. The specific moment in time where they can get a goofy picture in mid speech.

    They are also working closely with Iran to try to make a mockery of her.
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I thought Bono was pulling the strings. Oh well, I guess it's Al Gore now.
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    I thought he died in a ski accident.
  4. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Condolezza. Yummie 8) Bet she would look good in leather. Eat your heart out, Halle :p
  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    That was easily one of the top 10 most biased articles I have ever read. Not even an attempt at objective thought. You really can do better Joe. You're right wing pundits that you follow are ideologically bankrupt. I'm sure they're nice enough people, and fun to be around as long as you don't bring up politics, but quite frequently they miss the train because of the assumptions they make. Incorrect assumptions, of course.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I have been suspicious of Google for a while now. It is funny how easily people are turned to demonize Microsoft as to large and scary. But at the same time give Google a free ride. And think about everything I ever bitch about Google is one of the biggest influencers of people. Gore mysteriously was paid millions by the company as an "adviser" these millions were invested in Google stock actually making Gore hugely successful. Gore going Google stock shopping and being a success. Is like little Lord Fauntleroy going on a successful fox hunt. It does not take much talent. While the article is one sided that I can easily see and I am not very confident that Gore will run. I think the writer has got it wrong about why but yes Gore is being painted in a good light by the media the question is why.

    Basically Gore gets so many free passes by the media its scary.
  8. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Everyone gets free passes. Are you trying to tell me Bush, Delay, and Frist haven't?
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I hope your right. There are so many things I have seen and predicted that have come to fruition. At least places like this I have a living document and they can be pulled up like, yeah I say that one coming.

    Hear is where I get this uneasy feeling about Gore

    Gore has got shit loads of money and is spending none of it pushing and is getting huge of backing for his "Peoples Video" project a few years ago he was touting. I think His big idea in the end is simply nothing that’s not already there. But Google I have been watching and I mentioned my suspicions before. Google is a great search engine arguably the best. However, I have found surprisingly bad search results certainly surprising by Google standards for alternative theories regarding global warming. Mix Gore in the formula and I'm starting to feel like I'm in the middle of Smurfville.

    They seem to let up a little on the Condi pics but every once in a while they will have some of the most horrendous pictures of her on their News page specifically.

    Plain and simple I distrust Google more and more and Gore for sure.
  10. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Google sorts by links, hits, and meta-tags. If you don't trust their news, it's not their fault. they sort by most popular, the page with the most hits wins. If a bad picture of Condi gets the most hits, that's not because they hand selected it. We've been over this before Joe.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I know we have

    I just do not trust it.

    And the Google search engine methedology I think is not that simple. If so theirs would be no diffrent than any other.

    I think they can put their hand into influencing results.

    That picture that some radical Bush admin hater so gleefully laughs at gets given a higher rating. Childs play really if you are in the correct position. George Bush=Loser was not generated by popular hits but was a little known easter egg for years but obviously there.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Google's search engine can be manipulated, but so can any search engine. Type in failure and hit I'm feeling lucky. The first thing to come up is a biography of George W. Bush. What you don't realise is that the next 2 after that are Micheal Moore and Jimmy Carter. I'm sick of hearing the right complain about how the media doesn't play fair. None of you were bitching when they were stuffed so far up Bushes ass they could tickle the back of his nose right after 9-11.
  13. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    The News media had to bite the bullet for about six months. While the bullshit orgy of fake patriotism went on and on. But all the while the government conspiracy theories were going on. And a nobody whacked out fringe radical political activist turned director was getting funding from media to make a work of fiction titled falsely as a documentary. Eventually it was not hard at all to wedge away ay the wishy washy follow the crowd types. And the media has been prying away at that gap ever since then.

    Where I worked it was really laid back had all those alternative lifestyle types. You know the ones childish types that were so intrigued with their work area having some sort of cartoonist decor theme. Pins in their face types anti establishment crowd. It was comical seeing them get whipped up in the world wind of popular opinion and wearing patriotic t-shirts.

    Six months later the quickest way to get smirked at was to wear a patriotic t-shirt. It's true you know you had one to. Your so damn scared to wear it now aren’t you? Alt pop culture is anything but. If it was there would be tattooed pin-heads going around wearing patriotic shirts and asking "WTF you gonna do about it?" Such pathetic clowns they are. In between that the others are just as pathetic. Popular culture as the media portrays is to have a hate-America attitude. And all the spineless wishy washy shit bags are wallowing in it. The other larger group are the stupid cannot see what’s right in front of their face gullible types. Some how the media has managed to combine these two groups into what appears to be a simple majority.

    And I am not sure I'm buying it.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    In spite of what you're saying, Bush won the election. So clearly what you're saying isn't true to the degree you're saying it. No, I didn't go out and buy patriotic T-shirts, I continued going to work, and doing my job after 9-11. That was my duty, I didn't need a t-shirt to tell everyone I loved my country. I'm interested to hear how Swift Boat Veterans for Truth got to be so popular in spite of the "Liberal Media" you say so thoroughly dominates American Pop Culture. And how it was that the Dixie Chicks got run off of the radio and their label for criticizing President Bush. I hear what you're saying about the "liberal" media, and it just sounds like a bunch of bitching about how they don't play fair. The extreme left does the same thing. Media doesn't play fair, it's controlled by ___________ (insert problem group here).

    The media is controlled by money, they have no agenda other than that. If a story will make them money, they're in. If not, they don't give a shit. No liberal control, no neo-con control, they just want money.
  15. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I’m referring to ~ the past 6 months.

    Most did work I was working in a factory at the time doing Quality control. I remember the planes hitting the building and everyone going to take a break all of a sudden. I stayed on the floor working I remember hearing about what happened and I remember this dude on my line jumping up and down yelling "This prove Bush be weak" and a bunch of his type laughing and smiling. The next day and for the next few months it was all patriotism.

    The way these shitheads around me were shifting with popular perception was like seaweed shifting with the waves. Fucking looser I swear what a bunch of dumb fucks. Then just like I said all of a sudden no one was saying any thing negative but man the looks you would get by the same dumbfucks waving those flags a year before if you were to show some patriotism. Lousy fucking scumbags they all should be rounded up and shot.
  16. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Not my fault you work with a bunch of dipshits. Maybe you should stop taking the exception as the rule.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Tipper Gore and the Moral Majority as well. Aint much Right/Left to trust .
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Yeah, the Moral Majority is another shining example of attempting to use the government to force your beliefs down everyone else's throat.
  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    specifics please.
  20. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    How about the Meese commission, and the censorship of music with "parental advisory" stickers. I can go on for awhile.

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