i think it was on TNN Shows some black guy then says "1 in 50 african amercian men have AIDS" its hilarious.
well Lomotil each kneegrow family has like 8 kids, so this makes the ratio 1-50, the fact that there is so many of em.
Eight kids?!? Are you sure you're not talking about a certain other ethnic group here? Most of them are Catholics, and in the infinite fucking wisdom that is Catholicism, the quote "Be fruitful and multiply" has transcended other, more pressing factors (such as the ability to sustain even one fucking child) - what you end up with is a whole fucking family born and raised with the philosophy: "Hey! Let's have more kids! The government will give us more money!!!" Fuck Catholics, fuck welfare hogs, and now that I think about it... Fuck everyone.
Man, you speak beeg truth, LOMO, beeg truth. Who but the government-subsidized can afford lots of kids.