Anybody know where to buy a laptop WITHOUT any bundled softw

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, Dec 17, 2002.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I need one before next semester, and I don't want to have to pay $100-200 extra just to have another copy of an OS that I already have, plus ten thousand "bundled software" programs that I have no use for... I went hogwild at school when I found out that any OS was 8 bucks, so I bought copies of NT 4.0, 98SE, ME (which sucks), 2000, & XP Pro... Seems ridiculous to pay for the same shit again.

    Anybody have any ideas? I'm looking for something fairly fast, with a CDRW/DVD combo drive. Thanks in advance...
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Awesome... thanks! I'll check them out when I'm a bit more sober... OE + internet + credit card = bad idea.

    I bought a 475mHz Compaq Presario laptop at work today for $25, not working... Took it apart, and it turns out a resistor exploded on the motherboard and took a couple chips with it. A replacment board would cost $635 from Compaq. Those fuckers would be a major bitch to soldier, even if I could get replacments (which they won't sell). Fuck it... I'll check that link and get back with you. Thanks again.
  4. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Well I hope you managed to salvage something from it to cover for your $25, descent memory etc.
  5. djdev

    djdev New Member

    actually I am selling mine (USED)
    for around 600us or around 1000cad. I am going to put it on ebay soon. sony vaio PCG-SR33 celeron 600mhz 128ram. orignaly bought for $2000cad, its in very good shape, its so small and lighter than the ibook. its lighter than my calculus book. tell me if ur intrested.
  6. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    "It's a Sony" - not in the least bit interested. It's good that you're selling it now, before it breaks and all...

    Thanks anyway.

    Also, does anyone know where to get cheap laptop motherboards? I've got this crazy notion that I can still fix this mother fucker (and get my $25 out of it, Canine)... About the only thing salvagable from this thing is a nice LCD screen, a 475mHz processor, 24X laptop CD-ROM, and a floppy. Maybe the keyboard/speakers/touchpad, too. Hell, if worse comes to worse, maybe I can make a "Franken-top" like Bruce Willis had in "The Jackal"...

  7. djdev

    djdev New Member

    your so damn cheap hahaha
  8. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    My friend showed me this last night thought about ya. I believe I read you are in Texas, so.... StarTech
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Yeah, I am a cheap mofo...

    That Austin site had some decent prices... I might check them out when I'm in the market for some RAM. Checked Pricewatch and Tigerdirect, too - good prices there, too.

    I just won an ebay auction for that exact motherboard, and I'm hoping I can fix it with this one... Hell, if I can get a decent working laptop for under $100 total, I'll be one happy mother fucker.

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