this one got mad. TMAN TX10: I like your site!! TMAN TX10: very informative kitana996: thanx kitana996: well, i try to post as much as i know TMAN TX10: I hear ya kitana996: do u have a website? TMAN TX10: naaa.... kitana996: a pic? TMAN TX10: of my truck TMAN TX10: kitana996: share TMAN TX10: kitana996: thats yer truck? TMAN TX10: yes kitana996: that was yer pic? TMAN TX10: those are all my pics....?? kitana996: was that your pic? TMAN TX10: yes kitana996: no its not TMAN TX10: why do you say taht? kitana996: b/c it came from TMAN TX10: I am a member of that site... that is my gallery on the site kitana996: no kitana996: its not your pic any more kitana996: you submitted it to that site kitana996: so it belongs to them now kitana996: n they will never give YOU kredit TMAN TX10: lol, I have the orig though... so AH HA!! TMAN TX10: jokes on them! TMAN TX10: ;-) kitana996: the original what? TMAN TX10: original picture kitana996: hard copy or scan copy? TMAN TX10: hard copy TMAN TX10: digitally signed TMAN TX10: but it doesnt matter kitana996: it would to me... kitana996: they wont give you kredit for yer stuff TMAN TX10: look, I' TMAN TX10: i'm not really worried about credit... everyone knows its my truck... TMAN TX10: and that I took the pics... aint no biggie kitana996: no one knows TMAN TX10: well, the ones I have met do.. most of the Houston Divison and the rest of the Texas Chapter kitana996: but other viewers dont kitana996: you were skrewed over kitana996: never submit yer pics unless uknow that u will be given kredit TMAN TX10: are you flying a black helicopter?? kitana996: no TMAN TX10: ok kitana996: i have black wings TMAN TX10: that would explain a lot kitana996: why? TMAN TX10: well, do you have horns? kitana996: nope TMAN TX10: oh ok TMAN TX10: then envermind kitana996: i have fangs TMAN TX10: fangs are kewl kitana996: yes i know kitana996: do u have any other pics? TMAN TX10: at home kitana996: oh ok kitana996 wants to directly connect. kitana996: lemme show u my other pics TMAN TX10 cancels request; no connection was made. TMAN TX10: can't connect at work.. kitana996: oh ok kitana996: work? TMAN TX10: I am at work kitana996: what city/town? TMAN TX10: Houston TMAN TX10: , TX kitana996: oh... kitana996: hmmmmm... kitana996: howdid u find my website? TMAN TX10: friend asked me to check it out kitana996: what friend TMAN TX10: Damian TMAN TX10: Satan himseldf kitana996: ROFL! kitana996: try again TMAN TX10: hehe kitana996: tell me who referred u TMAN TX10: I just did TMAN TX10: Damian TMAN TX10: UppaRoom TMAN TX10: you dont listen very well TMAN TX10: ;-) kitana996: oh ok kitana996: u work with him? TMAN TX10: no TMAN TX10: he got skrewed too... TMAN TX10: kitana996: interesting TMAN TX10: raelly? TMAN TX10: hmm.. TMAN TX10: that's what I said about you kitana996: oh... kitana996: anything u want to ask me? kitana996: specifics? TMAN TX10: no raelly.. your site says a lot TMAN TX10: really TMAN TX10: your pretty much a normal girl kitana996: hmmmm kitana996: so this is normal with you? TMAN TX10: sure! TMAN TX10: You are a Hunter's dream woman!! TMAN TX10: and I'm a Hunter kitana996: oh... kitana996: LOL! kitana996: well ok TMAN TX10: none of my X's could field dress a pig or anything! kitana996: why not? TMAN TX10: yours was a little rough... but you would get better with time kitana996: i dont really know how, but i tried kitana996: yeah kitana996: i need praktis TMAN TX10: thats it TMAN TX10: praktis makes purrrrrrrrrrfect TMAN TX10: ;-) kitana996: yes it does... kitana996: its funny now kitana996: i am getting IMs from ppl in houston kitana996: too klose for komfort TMAN TX10: I will stop TMAN TX10: if you want kitana996: no TMAN TX10: ok kitana996: as long as u dont stalk me offline like another guy TMAN TX10: I have no intentions of stalking you TMAN TX10: thats not what I am about kitana996: oh ok kitana996: what r u about then? kitana996: u want me to neuter u? TMAN TX10: No, that would be bad TMAN TX10: I need my boys TMAN TX10: I am about just being cool and a good friend... stuff like that.. kitana996: ghey kitana996: ok TMAN TX10: someone tot alk to kitana996: yes ghey TMAN TX10: lol kitana996: i bet u like yer friends dont u? TMAN TX10: half of em kitana996: friends suck kitana996: ppl suck kitana996: you suck kitana996: n i suck TMAN TX10: pretty much TMAN TX10: ur right kitana996: yes, but i dont have the ballz to kill myself TMAN TX10: but there aint nothin we can do about it kitana996: yes there is kitana996: we kan end our lil worlds kitana996: we can kill each other n ourselves kitana996: how many guns u got? TMAN TX10: enough kitana996: u lookin to sale any? TMAN TX10: naa kitana996: oh ok kitana996: i have been looking for some guns to buy TMAN TX10: so yo hate lfie kitana996: but i have to find ppl underground... yeah TMAN TX10: why? kitana996: i hate ppl too TMAN TX10: I can tell kitana996: b/c i suck kitana996: society sux TMAN TX10: yes you do, but why? kitana996: b/c i am a part of society kitana996: i am human TMAN TX10: u were born human, you don't have to BE human kitana996: whut? kitana996: LMFAO! TMAN TX10: I ahve this friend.. TMAN TX10: well.. TMAN TX10: aquantence kitana996: tell me about him or her TMAN TX10: he thinks he is a bird... TMAN TX10: and had wings implanted TMAN TX10: into his back/should blades TMAN TX10: shoudler TMAN TX10: he swares he isnt human... TMAN TX10: is he insane?? no.... kitana996: u got pics of him? or does he have a website? TMAN TX10: disturbed?? purhaps TMAN TX10: part of society?? AH-HA! this is where is gets good.... kitana996: how old is he? kitana996: oh TMAN TX10: only when he WANTS to be.... TMAN TX10: otherwise.. it is his world TMAN TX10: his bird world TMAN TX10: he even speaks HAWK! TMAN TX10: or so he says kitana996: interesting kitana996: how old is he? TMAN TX10: so you can't blame society TMAN TX10: he is 36 TMAN TX10: remove yourself from society TMAN TX10: enter it when you want to TMAN TX10: you be a happy person... TMAN TX10: happier TMAN TX10: Your world, your rules, your "society" kitana996: i already have that TMAN TX10: no you dont TMAN TX10: not if you can sit here and say that you suck kitana996: i got three TMAN TX10: he lives on 30 acres of land with "his kind" his "kind" is about 10,000 birds TMAN TX10: I'll bite.... 3 what?? kitana996: you'll bite what? TMAN TX10: ya said you have 3 kitana996: yeah TMAN TX10: that kinda came out of nowhere.. so I said "i'll bite..... 3 what" TMAN TX10: as if you wanted me to say "3 what" in other words kitana996: oh...i forgot kitana996: LOL kitana996: u have konfused me TMAN TX10: grrr TMAN TX10: confused you eh? then I have accomplished something here TMAN TX10: you nto confused... I am making you think... kitana996: ROFL! TMAN TX10: and you dont get much of that kitana996: yeah well i need some ritalin TMAN TX10: do ya? kitana996: or a good beating kitana996: my ADHD is up to day... TMAN TX10: IC TMAN TX10: and you really think you have ADHD? TMAN TX10: its in yer head TMAN TX10: ADHD isn't real TMAN TX10: ADD kitana996: that must be while i am reading, i go into something else in my head kitana996: oh no kitana996: wait, its the drugs. nm TMAN TX10: prolly kitana996: yeah kitana996: all those years of drugs n stuff kitana996: have fried my brain TMAN TX10: really fucked you up eh? TMAN TX10: naaaa TMAN TX10: the rugs are harmless TMAN TX10: drugs kitana996: really? kitana996: no they arent TMAN TX10: yup kitana996: these werent kitana996: they fuct up my body chemistry kitana996: my metabolism TMAN TX10: which oens? kitana996: which ones what? TMAN TX10: drugs TMAN TX10: comon you shoudl knwo them.... lookin them up on the net doesn't count!! kitana996: effexor, lithium, depakote, plaquenil, olanzapine, cogentin, zoloft, tegretol...that i can remember... kitana996: poof TMAN TX10: lol TMAN TX10: zoloft and lithium are the only dangerous once.. in high doses TMAN TX10: ones TMAN TX10: but anyway TMAN TX10: that aside kitana996: for years? TMAN TX10: You really think you are "sick" kitana996: no kitana996: i just get reminded when i forget stuff TMAN TX10: by who? kitana996: n i katch myself in the middle of a tic TMAN TX10: turrets? kitana996: nope kitana996: touret's TMAN TX10: ahh kitana996: nut that kitana996: i dunno what happened TMAN TX10: I think you are putting on a face though.... trying to make it look like you are this hard core bitch... but I can tell yer not... and I don't even know you TMAN TX10: somethin is up kitana996: wtf r u talking about? TMAN TX10: your not tellin me something kitana996: i am doing several things at once kitana996: sorry kitana996: whut? kitana996: what do u want to know? TMAN TX10: why you act the way you do kitana996: this is me TMAN TX10: this major defnsive block you throw up TMAN TX10: thre is mroe to you TMAN TX10: than that TMAN TX10: has to be kitana996: no kitana996: i am kitana TMAN TX10: naa kitana996: i have aninterest in animals, n humans n anatomy n diseases n krap TMAN TX10: not buyin it TMAN TX10: that is the cool thing about you.. all that stuff you love! TMAN TX10: but TMAN TX10: something doesn't click kitana996: my parents are first cousins TMAN TX10: ok TMAN TX10: you blame that? kitana996: no kitana996: LOL! TMAN TX10: than its not an issue TMAN TX10: next.. kitana996: other ppl do kitana996: ummmm TMAN TX10: fuck other people! kitana996: i am a loser? TMAN TX10: do you think your a loser? kitana996: i know, but it kracks me up to think about it kitana996: yes kitana996: i dont work kitana996: i dont go to school kitana996: i dont do anything TMAN TX10: why dont you/ kitana996: but sit my fat ass up on this chair kitana996: n do net stuff... kitana996: b/c i dropped out of school kitana996: n i dont want to leave my room TMAN TX10: hmm TMAN TX10: you could get paid to do what you do up there while on your "fat ass in that chair" TMAN TX10: i'v seen some of your stuff... not bad at all.. TMAN TX10: how odl are you? TMAN TX10: HEY! kitana996: 20 kitana996: sorry TMAN TX10: stay with me kitana996: i went to go roll up the windows onmy house TMAN TX10: here kitana996: ok kitana996: here TMAN TX10: ok, so yer 20 TMAN TX10: dp out of school... TMAN TX10: and lazy TMAN TX10: thats what you think? kitana996: nope TMAN TX10: thats what you know? kitana996: i am a 45 yr old male perv kitana996: n thats the truth ;-) TMAN TX10: shit kitana996: can i have a piece of yer tight ass? TMAN TX10: lol TMAN TX10: oh yeah TMAN TX10: here kitana996: bend over, baby TMAN TX10: naw on it for a while TMAN TX10: ok now kitana996: knaw on it? TMAN TX10: I can tell you have never been lvoed either... am I right? kitana996: bitch, plz, u can knaw onmy a-hole when i have a gun to yer head TMAN TX10: yeah.. NAW, while you PRAKTIS kitana996: ROFL! TMAN TX10: lol kitana996: i dunno,the thought of eating yer protruding bowels while u r strung up on a game hook dont seem too good TMAN TX10: soudns good to me! kitana996: hmmmm kitana996: u like that shit dont u, lil boy? kitana996: u like it ruff TMAN TX10: haha TMAN TX10: no kitana996: i will give it to u ruff kitana996: u want my thick, long hard cock up yer butt? TMAN TX10: ok, you win... i give up kitana996: what? TMAN TX10: nothing... bye kitana996: i may be 45 but i have viagra kitana996: where u going kitana996: cum back kitana996: we can meat offline kitana996: want some candy? kitana996: kandy? kitana996: look, i got kandy kitana996: sweettarts? kitana996: krunch? kitana996: chocolate? TMAN TX10: offer me some pussy and then we will talk... TMAN TX10 signed off at 1:56:49 PM.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ross perot: Kitana, what the hell was that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i dunno...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 1337: man that just went on and on and on and on and on and on and on not bad just long<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah i know, i didnt kut/edit it or anything