This one does not take long but seems more intuitive and also shows where you fit in with other famous people. It has me placed in the NW quadrant but a centrist none the less.
Ironically so was I. While I was almost in the center; slightly North West. Basically if it was all questions regarding money and spending I would surely have been over to the right with Rush. But my social ideals pull me over to the left some. I must say a lot of the answers to the social questions were conditional and not exactly accurate as a black-white issue. I could have answered either way depending on the type of mood I was in.
I was a fairly healthy distance into the Northwest. I wonder how all these tests seem to think I feel the government is incompetent. Oh, that's right. I do think the government is incompetent.
No they're not! They did an awesome job making sure people thought the whole New Orleans thing they did on purpose was just incompetence.