My best friend hasn't touched his Xbox since he finangled himself a 360. He decided to let me borrow his modded Xbox indefinitely--meaning its pretty much mine but I can't sell, pawn or break it. So, what's good on the Xbox! Its got all of the Prince of Persia games, Call of Duty, Ghost Recon, Xmen Legends II, MVP Baseball (fuck you haters) and some others. The easy picks are Knights of the Old Republic, the Halo's and Fable. Suggestions welcome!
My 5 year old loves his "Dukes of Hazzard" game. I liked the "Medal of Honor" games, havent gotten any "Call of Duty" ones yet. Will probably pick those up when they hit the bargain rack.
Oh, I do. Got all the NES (can't find fucking Simpsons: Bart VS the Space Mutants though) some SNES etc.
You need the ROM? Can't imagine anyone actually wanting to play that game, but if it's something you're looking for, PM me.
I'm not sure, you might need to remove the HDD and hook it up to a computer, but make sure you ask around before you go to all that trouble. I don't have a modded Xbox yet, but I've wanted one for a while now. If I get my MAME/Emu comp built, I won't even bother. Besides, most of the time when I feel a RCR binge coming on I've got my PSP handy. Wow, that sounded like a drug reference...