An open letter to forties&blunts

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by OllieRetard, Nov 29, 2000.

  1. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    Please allow me to introduce myself, while the window of sanity is open. I do believe you have me confused with the "other" Ollie … the one with the great big wooden toe.

    I live on the island of St. Vincent, which is located in the South Eastern Caribbean. My mother lives in a cage out back in our yard near the chicken coop, just behind our shithouse. Sometimes she escapes and pisses on our neighbours' front stoop. Our neighbours get real mad and say they gonna call Babylon and have her black ass locked away for good. I call my dad to go and fetch her but most of the time he's too busy romancing our goat Harriet. Harriet likes to play hard to get. In case you haven't already guessed, I am a lover of fine foods and if I do say so myself, I am quite a decent albeit "creative" chef.

    I have a brother called Damien, he says he's the Original Rude Bwoy, but most people just refer to him as that nasty, rank, balding, stuttering, sonofabitch mother scunt. Sometimes they throw pussyhole in there too, but not always. He has a very close relationship with my other brother, Rubs. Maybe that why everyone call them battymen. I don't know, but sometimes I wish I could leave this place, but because our educational system is so inferior, no country will consider my application for immigration. Not only that, but because I am so repulsive, I cannot get a photographer to take my passport picture due to the projectile vomiting and projectile diarrhea factor.

    Anyhooooooooo, thank you for allowing me to spill my guts. I feel much better now that you have a reasonable understanding of who I am. Do not be fooled by cheap imitations. Please let go of your unnatural, preoccupation with genitalia … it will only bring you heartache in the end.

    I love you.
  2. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    sounds like an ok kinda bloke i can relate to ur old man as i too have a goat with which i share intimate relations..

    lets be friends and perhaps a little goat swaping on the side?

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  3. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    Sweet, sweet PimpDaddy, our kinship was forged long ago, 'twas an unspoken bond between us that I cherished dearly. It does trouble me now that you would offer your friendship up so freely, like an overused whore, profferring her flabby, putrid body to the drunk, overweight business man wearing a cheap suit and smoking an equally cheap cigar. His hair think with grease and his fat, pudgy fingers groping at her sagging breasts. I am feeling quite ill at the thought of it. I have now closed the window as it is raining the tears of unwanted souls.
  4. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    but what about the goat swapping?

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  5. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    Out of the question. Our goats are very respectable and would never lend themselves to such wanton behaviour ... the donkeys, however, are another matter completely.
  6. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    bugger my knobs 2 small 2 get donkey satisfaction

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
  7. OllieRetard

    OllieRetard New Member

    I'll see what I can do about finding you a tight ass.
  8. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    thanx ollie

    Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse

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