How do you feel about your New America? The Republican shithole we live in. Living in fucking Texas does not make it any easier either.
We have enough yank bashers as it is in here, thankeweverymuch. Please take a ticket and stand at the back of the queue until your number is called.
Might I suggest that you slip across the border into Mexico. No one will try to stop you. Oh, and take a bath. I can smell you from here. Barry
Take a bath? Why dont you try to regain your pride with hair transplants. Get all the hair from your fatass onto your head. Where you can turn this. Into this.
FUCKYEAH video was cool, but that butthair transplant idea actually had me laughing out loud, not the ass pic, the super mullet pic fucking awesome
Besides the fact telling someone who is dissapointed in the way America is going to leave is fucking retarded. Thats like saying "Oh fuck I dont like how this drink tastes.." Bitch then take out your fucking tounge. The whole Mexico idea wouldnt bother me though. Me and Roboto have a house in Mexico, and so forth. Send Roboto 30 bucks for a tank of gas and Ill be on that. Till then Ill start saving my Nickles and Dimes to buy your Ass hair transplant. Topher
Dirty Dumbass wrote What? Is "Retarded" the new word for the week for everyone? I really find the word offensive. It is an old psychology term that refers to a very sad mental defect. Using the word "Retarded" in reference to someone is equal to calling someone in a wheel chair a "gimp". Crude. America will be better off without you. Barry [/quote]
The referenced link above clearly states that the word is often considered offense. So what is your point? Barry
I'll concede 3 points late in the 4th quarter of a blowout. (Yawns and scratches his hairy butt.) Barry