But, you may enjoy this. I posted a rant in my Livejournal (yes, I DO have one!), and it has evoked some interesting responses. Look here, and by all means, everyone, feel free to comment. I have it set up to allow anonymous posting, too. Okay, back to my beer now.
Hey, Skitzo...thanks for writing. I appreciate that. Which of you English folk typed up that drunken post? I can barely read it...
No problem...I kinda got side tracked a few times. But I think I kept the gist going. Maybe not though...damn bong refuses to refill itself.
Hell, if offered, I would take it too. That is part of the big irony. Why are all of the foreigners given the kickbacks?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lomo's Haus of Audio-Video Bliss: Hey, I'm German, do I get any free handouts or preferential treatment, too?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> NEIN![/I}
Lovely - as I sit here, I'm listening to a police frequency, and some chick on dispatch is asking a cop if he wants to bring "Grouchy Gringo" in or not...
All y'all gots to chill with the racism, yo... Trust me, vanilla cream taste jus' as good as da chocolate... Who dis LT - nigga got sumthin on me or what?
Hey SC, you know that little pic in your sig looks like it's got Parkinsons disease. What's the deal?
Oh yeah....and here is something else interesting. The one who calls herself Estrellas who posted that crap? It's actually lifesucks from here in the forums. I guess college has changed her.
Sounds like an online stalker has taken a shine to ya man. That's a lovely rainbow she has on her live journal page. Its inspired me to go spank off to fairy porn.
Speaking of which, she replied in my LJ. Everyone, have a look, as I may delete it shortly(no reason other than to irk her ).