This man could give you medicare at half the price and with full coverage for the 50 mill without. Socialist senator makes US history By Richard Allen Greene BBC News, Washington The US Senate may not be ready for Bernard Sanders. It's a collegial, even fusty place, where senators' hair turns white with decades of speeches and service. Mr Sanders blasts the US health care system as driven by profit Mr Sanders has the requisite white hair surrounding his bald patch, but his attitude remains unmistakeably New York despite his many years in Vermont. "Anybody read your website?" he asks the BBC brusquely at the beginning of an interview ahead of taking his seat in the Senate. Assured that millions do, he says: "OK, let's talk to them." The blunt manner is not all that sets apart Mr Sanders, the newly-elected senator from Vermont known to all and sundry simply as "Bernie". The Senate has had plain speakers before, but it has never before had a politician who calls himself a socialist - not even a "democratic socialist," as Mr Sanders specifies. But he clearly thinks Washington needs at least one, as he praises the achievements of Europe's social-democratic parties in health care, housing, education and reduction of child poverty. "The government should make sure people who work 40 hours a week do not live in poverty," he says, adding for good measure: "I disagree with Bush and other right-wing extremists about this." Mr Sanders, himself labelled an extremist by his Republican foes, served in the House of Representatives for 16 years before being elected to the Senate in a landslide in November. Ground-breaking state His two-to-one victory over an independently wealthy businessman called Richard Tarrant would have been remarkable in most places, but perhaps not in iconoclastic Vermont. Vermont's Gov Howard Dean turned into a firebrand campaigner The tiny New England state's population makes it barely larger than Glasgow, and slightly smaller than Frankfurt, Germany or Memphis, Tennessee. But its irascible (if not numerous) voters produced the firebrand 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean, a former state governor. And Mr Sanders' own predecessor, Jim Jeffords, pulled the rug out from under George W Bush six years ago by defecting from the Republican party and thus robbing the president's party of control of the Senate. Mr Jeffords became an independent who aligned himself with the Democrats, and the voters have replaced him with a man who is doing the same. Not seeking socialists They have clearly not been put off by his socialism, although the US has never had anything resembling a successful socialist party. Our system is designed to make money, not to provide quality health care Bernie Sanders Send us your views Mr Sanders waves away the question of why it has not. "Books this thick have been written about that," he says, holding his thumb and index finger far apart, before launching another swipe at "the right-wing and corporate media" which "did a good job of equating democratic socialism with Stalinism, Maoism, Albania and North Korea". But he does not claim the voters of Vermont sought out a socialist either. "People looked at the record, and they said: 'We'd like more of what Bernie is doing.'" As a congressman, "what he did" included leading groups of pensioners across the border into Canada to buy prescription drugs that are cheaper there than in the United States. Few topics aggravate Mr Sanders more than the US health care system, which is largely private and relies on insurance companies to pay most bills. "We spend three times as much per capita on health care as the UK, and 48 million Americans have no health insurance," he says. "Our system is faulty and inefficient," he says, and the reason is clear to him: "It is designed to make money, not to provide quality health care." Efforts to implement a national health care system have failed over the last 60 years because of "powerful special interests - insurance and pharmaceutical companies - determined to charge high prices". Party of one Mr Sanders is vague about what one senator out of 100 can do to change that when presidents as powerful as Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and Bill Clinton have all failed. He hopes to entice some senators to join the Progressive Caucus that he founded when he came to Congress as a representative in 1991. (Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, the only senator to have joined Mr Sanders' left-leaning group, was killed in a plane crash in 2002.) But he is not planning to found his own progressive party, he adds. "Working 70 hours a week is enough," he says. "I was elected to be a congressman. I worked hard at that. I was elected to be a senator, and I am going to work hard at that. Starting a new party, he says, is "not my job. If others can do better, God bless them."
With out Capitalist "For profit" health care the world would not have the modern medical advancements that the idiot socialist spouts about. If that is not true then simply look at the Soviet Union pre-Capitalism where would you rather go for a Heart transplant or even the most simple procedure? Are people flocking to Albania for cheap healthcare?
Rich folks consumption has that positive effect. Expanding the product base and availability. Thats cool ! Bernie here, is still worth checking out
Agreed there is a place for common ground. Really after to scrape away the radical approaches of both ideological views there is a lot of common ground. I think when America was more capitalist and less socialist maybe as far back as 40 or so years ago. (Yes before my time) I think poor were no worse off than they are now quite possibly better and most assuredly considering the modern conveniences. (While the poor lacked them so did the middle and upper class at the time) But people simply for the most part took care of people by way of Charity. And character mattered. My fear and belief actually, is when you legislate charity. The receiver no longer appreciates it. The giver (tax payer) resents being forced to give it to someone who does not appreciate it. And in the end the world becomes a crueler place rather than a warm fuzzy place.
You had more of those public benefits that marks socialism 40 years ago. The capitalism was probably purer as well. Major companies running without government subsidies. You can probably say that both public and private was clearer defined then. Probably. But you allso claim that this socialist tendency in USA has lead to the greater inequality and poverty. Do you really believe that yourself ? Socialism making the capitalist rich richer, and the poor poorer. Calling "then" capitalist and "now" socialist is a bit like all that socialist-controlled international media. It does not exist ! One can claim that it is controlled by a tight network of business. By a wast conspiracy of jews, freemasons and luciferean forces, or any combination therein, but YOU CANT CLAIM THAT A SOCIALIST CONSPIRACY RUNS MEDIA ! ( You can ! If you hypothesize that the KGB went underground and infiltrated a major part of whats infiltratable, while USA heroically struggled against all the socialism of corporate media.( But that is as bold as commenting on Nursey sacrificing fetuses during birth-sex satanic rituals ).).
Sure I can Xerx and here is my point. Communism the pure theory has never been implemented. It never will. When Russia was communist it was all about controlling the minds of the people and there were the haves and the have-nots. This is the same with the socialist media. The honestly believe that we should all pitch in and do our part. All the while Barbara Streisand is spending 20k on water per year for her lush green lawn. The Joke is on the people. You have to agree that Demoncrats lean towards socialism and the Republicans lean toward independence and Capitalism. Surely you would not argue against that. Then it is easy to show the association with the media and the Dems. The celebrities that live in extravagant excess are the most liberal of all. Look it is like a syndicate shadow system of laws. Political Correctness for instance people have the right to freedom of speech as long as it fits the mold. But if you pay your dues to the piper you get away with whatever you want. See all the media storm about Harry Reids crooked real estate deal? No you do not because he is a Demoncrat a card carrying member the media will not touch him as long as they can keep the public “dumbed down” and non-concerned. Look at this list of Hypocracy by the left that will not get called out.
Look at Donald Trump for instance. Personally I hate Rosie O' Donnell but now Donald Trump a grown man is just making himself look like a trivial thin-skinned easily manipulated asshole. And why is he so off his bearing? Because Rosie brought up a real point and hit him where it hurts. She pointed out that Donald is not such a big genius after all he gets investors to put money into a huge project then makes a killing overseeing it then later it is a failure and files bankrupted. Donald knows this well and has seen the writing on the wall. He pays his dues to the Media Moguls to keep the cameras on his bright shinny Chester Cat Grin and all the while avoid his fat greedy underbelly and posterior he neglected to wipe. For someone with a track record like that to get away with getting bailed out by the government over and over is quite simply embezzlement of government funds. He will not get called out by his liberal protectors. Until it is so obvious that they have to in order to save face. Don Tyson mega Liberal power player brought in during the Clinton era. Will keep on growing his empire because the FDA will not go after him for working illegals only his competitors. As they fall due to rising cost he scoops them up. You see I will agree that from one perspective I cannot say that these big corrupt power brokers are what the Communist founders had in mind. But it is the liberal that hold the power of the media to get away with corruption and gain power all the while pulling the ultimate smoke and mirrors stunt. This is traditional repeating of the same ole “reality” of actual communism in action. When something is not right and you can feel that it’s not right and you have to use deception as a means for what you once believed was a righteous cause. You are really sucked in right from the beginning... a part of the evil machine.
Ok ! If you dont call that communism. ( Caused it aint ), then we can discuss it the better. So since Soros told how international finance goes He should go bancrupt and remove himself from finance ? If company A wants tougher legislation against childlabour and toxic waist, then they should go bancrupt implementing it, while company B waits for the legislation to get through, and then gets a postponement. If a cop rats out dirty cops he should not be a cop ? Thats how it goes ?
Fair enough I guess but my example is how the pursuit of socialism ends up when implemented. I see your point and it is the pervasive point amongst the 60% of the left-wingers who really know what is up and play along like I said thinking because their cause is a righteous one (in their mind) then the end justifies the means. The end far from justifies the means and their utopian pipe dream never materializes. .....Except for the elite that is. Their souls have been bought and paid for. Maybe 60% is too much I bet 50% figure it out while the others are just pawns. Especially the non-elite. The way it works is lead them on with the idea that the people are victims and that the left is there to champion their cause. Preach doom and gloom no matter how rosy the situation really is if they are not in power. Convince the masses that if only given enough power they will turn this awful mess around. But logic says that if they did then what would they use to lead the people on? What would be their proverbial carrot to entice the masses? Absence of self reliance? Making people totally dependant upon them for everything really. Like what to do with their spare time, what to eat and drink, where to go and how to obtain health coverage. The list goes on. Oh and they have to keep the fear going about the great, dangerous, evil, greedy Capitalism monster. That could sweep in and ruin everything. Then there is the rewriting of history to cover up the fact that all the major advancements in conveniences of modern living. ESPECIALLY HEALTH CARE. Are directly attributable to the free market system of privatized capitalism. They have all the tools in place they have ensured that the most powerful branch of government that is able to rule totally independent of the peoples will (The Judicial Branch) is stacked with Liberal judges who are busy rewriting the constitution and when not rewriting simply disregarding it. The union dominated public education system that weeds out any positive conservative influence and makes sure to blockade any teaching of the possibility of 'Intelligent Design' (You will likely loose your job) , Tell students their parents are un-cool and wrong if they do not agree with the secular teachings. And even tell them they should report their parents for having “backwards” views if this is the case. They dumb the kids down and selectively teach history to them. And they have the media controlling popular culture reporting fabrications, omissions or selective reporting if you will and basically in doing so writing today the history that will be viewed on 20 years by the next generation.
Those elites we have are far from socialist. The owners that have secured their positions lately are not socialist. They have people like Soros, on the left, and they sure have rightwingers as well. I agree about leftist demagogues causing pasification and clientification of stratas of population. Thuas undermining the ideas of solidarity and basic inalianable rights for every man, woman and child. But calling any elite nowadays "socialist" is way off the charts. And as for "secular" science not wanting biblethumpers and mullahs around ! Please understand that part. Religion should be ashamed of its contribution and hide its lying face in shame. As a believer I am shamed when they open their foodtraps and pretend to know man-speak. Example of american quack: "How could evolution have happened, when the perfect man allready was present at creation" ? Example of arab quack: "How can these bombings have been performed by muslems, when the holy Koran forbids this"? And the answers are ( of course ): That since islam forbids this, muslems are not behind the bombs blown everywhere; and since the perfect man ( J.C. of N ). was present at creation, there was no evolution. Capistalism can work real fine asd long as the Mumbo Jumbo is left outside. Capitalism combined with religion usually IS a big greedy monster. Religion keeping education and progress at bay. Capitalism just feeding owners in foreign lands.
Agreed in part. I believe all species change. But that we came from an ameba is absurd. Creation is the only logical explanation. But there have been changes in species sure that is going to happen but on a much smaller scale. And yes there are shitbags with their own ulterior motives and tactics on both sides of the fence.
No ! It is rational to believe that we stem from Hominids,Simeans, Ratty Smartus, Fishform and Amoebae. The mutation of sexuality with the ability to share genetic material is only some 300mill years after all. These are the lines G-d drew if so She did. 6 million years ago we parted from the ancestors of Gorilla, and 4 mill, that of Chimp. Up untill about 50 000 years ago we were not in this magnificient bubble of scientific and rational bounty. Why not look for G-d in the beauty of it, in stead of denying how the puzzle comes together. Natural history dont need creation for shit. It is not only superfluous. It is a potential infection of irrational and inadequate memes and hypotheses.