So will he get a free pass like Scooter "the treasonous" Libby? Or will Dubya toss him to the wolves?
Comical you guys don't know do ya? Kind of like that day Nursey decided to rant about watergate and I asked her what it was all about she did not know either. But you do know its true huh?
Looks like the new congress of corruption and thousands of investigations (seriously thousands) has invested wasted untold hours trying to pin something on Rummy. Four hours they inconvenienced this man hoping to ask something one way then another way and try to make up a story that he deceived or lied. Or if they cannot do that then act offended at his replies and accuse him of trying to deceive the panel. It’s the same technique every time and not unlike that of any other communist corrupt intelligence agency would do.
Joes political views seem real up the objectivist tree. He is one of Ayn Rands diciples. I Pin Gin on Rummy. Gin Rummy.Just like Gin Tony. A nom de guerre.
Hey I did not start the thread. Besides still no one can tell me what any of the three false crimes were guilty of. It's always the same shit. And there will be loads more in the next few years. Reminds me of this idiot punk that cried about a supposedly false accusation on a traffic violation. He did not have a clue either.