Agent Orange, Desert Storm illness (bullshit) psych trauma?

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, May 12, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Most of the "Gulf War Syndrome" vets were exposed to DU. Tell me that's bull shit when they have a cancer rate that's 50 times the average.
  3. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That's bull shit when they say the cancer rate is 50 times the average.

    There I said it more or less.
  4. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I do beleive that PTSD is more prevalent now.

    Simple reason - people today are more soft and sensitive.

    My Grandfather's generation survived a depression, kicked Hitlers. ass, and came back home and screwed everything that moved creating the baby boom. It never occurred to those men to have a "traumatic" disorder. They didn't have time for it. Those men were tough as nails.

    By comparision, men today are wimps.

  5. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    True and what make them wimps are government social programs. That and a change in the social structure. kids are protected little punks these days they grow up that way and they know it. They want so bad to be identified in some respectable manner they make movies of them selves fighting online now days. Problem is if you watch the videos you see that they A: fight like girls and B: have no code of honor. We have a lot of good men going into the military and then there are a certain percentage of shitbags like in any group. There will logically be a certain amount of persons who have a legitimate stress problem. And there will be multiple times more shitbags looking for a handout in the form of disability status. The left will be all too eager to exploit this.

    I’m just pointing out the predictability of it all before it happens. When the media has this new revelation to inform us about. Remember I predicted this revelation of bullshit propaganda.
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Does anyone see what is wrong with those numbers besides me? I have a military perspective to see this from I can see a very telling point to be made with these statistics.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member

    barry i don’t know if i agree that your grandfathers generation didn't have mental disorders, i just believe they were disguised better... and manifested in ways such as spousal abuse, child abuse, alcoholism etc. that’s not to say that prescription drugs aren’t being over-prescribed for all sorts of bogus ailments

    and joe: don't confuse americas problems with those of the world.... there are countries that are FAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR more socialist where kids don’t go around beating up homeless people to death so perhaps it's time you look elsewhere for the cause k? blaiming all of US ailments on some massive liberal conspiracy makes you a different kind of smurf, but a smurf indeed
  8. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I'll agree to that. Socialism is not the only problem we have here. It goes back to the way punk ass kids are raised these days. I do not blame that wholly on socialism either. Possibly more to blame on commercialism, or something along that nature. It’s more like a personality cult issue its cool to be extreme or shocking.

    I point the finger at commercialism and Howard Stern.

    Let me say Smiley that while I have an extreme disdain for socialism I will say that the intentions of the founders of the ideology were good intentions. I believe it is a failed system. I believe that people who believe in the system do so to such an extent that whatever means to achieve there end is a righteous means in their mind at least.

    You are the victim here you are conditioned to believe and react to my posts as an “us verses them” or “good verses bad” reaction. You it seems actually believe that anyone who is not a liberal is a hate mongering racist, bigot, greedy, asshole of a person. This is simply not true.
  9. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    This one dude that has works for some of USAs best friends in espionage played the blamegame over on the iraqi side. That ailments could well be due to chemical warhead scuds. There was a scenario where a hundred soldiers died in what was described as an accident.

    There would have been many reasons to hide an iraqui sarin attack :idea:
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah it’s a telling thing that troops go to Iraq where biological, chemical, and nuclear testing was conducted under extremely armature conditions. And any assumption by the left and the gullible people is a dark U.S. conspiracy. It’s laughable. They really need to get their heads out their asses and stop going through life with blinders on.
  11. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    And depleted uranium. OK ! USA did a lot there at that time. Testing vaccines and all. But a week in the kuwaiti oilfurnaces ? That cant be healthy either.

    One part depleted uranium
    One part Saddami sarin shit
    One part burning kuwaiti wells
    and a sprinkeling of emotional stress.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    That I must admit is true so damn refreshing to have a bit of levity and moderation in this discussion.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    that would be true xerx if most of the soldiers that are being treated fro cancer due to supposed DU exposure were marines....... most of the cases i have read about were people aboard ships that would load the shit etc..... how do u account for them?

    joe: it's not me vs you, or me vs conservatives.... it's me vs what i don't believe is right..... i don’t know what being a liberal means... or a conservative from a political standpoint... i only know what my beliefs are and if your beliefs oppose my beliefs i'd like to know for what reasons, reasons i question.... don't put words in my mouth or say that i've been conditioned by anyone because i could just say the same thing back to you which essentialy leads us to, "i know you are but what am i"
  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Point made and point taken it would not be useful to point fingers back and forth.

    However I do observe and see that it surely is no coincidence that your belief system seems to be one that walks lockstep in time with the socialist ideology prevalent in the higher educational systems of North America.

    An observation simply maybe not totally accurate but one that could be viewed constructively by your self. I think it is healthy to question your ideology from time to time and gauge where your values are coming from. I know I do. I myself am guilty of talking things personally its best not to though it fogs your perception.

    Where are these stats you refer to? I was a Desert Storm Marine and have reason to believe that some of the locations I went to were of a great deal of suspicion with regards to environmental issues. Marines as a general rule are more hard core believers in the honest, integrity, and honor of what they to. This is not always the case. In the less disciplined units such as field service support units I guarantee you will see a higher level of people applying for some sort of disability. This is encouraged by the anti-war left this historically has been the case and is always exploited.
  15. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    That's actually a very good point, Smiles. I agree in part, but I still think that they were mentally tougher than we are today, on an average. Their methods of dealing with stress, (as you mentioned) were a little more acceptable at the time. (That doesn't mean that it was right, BTW.)

    My GF was mean as a snake, but never to his family. He treated us great. He would kick a stranger's ass in a second, though.

  16. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    According to the VA psychiatrists when I was doing my in patient psych rotation the PTSD awareness crap started with the Vietnam vets where there were major campaigns to "raise the awareness". Congress passed bills giving big money payouts to vets so they are essentially recieving disability pay that some of them now actually live on with a couple thousand or some number like that per month. I think there is the impetus for the psychiatrists because of the money and the patients because of the money to talk about the need for treatment. However, in reality if someone has PTSD the last thing they want to do is talk about anything having to do with the psych trauma they recieved. That is why you never heard any WWII vets seeking help for PTSD. There is no money in it and if they reallly have PTSD they almost never want to talk about it.
  17. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Hey Barry
    Men of today are consumers, that put in a few hours extra work in front of the tv to learn what they shall consume. ( Like facial care and qute cars with matching colours. The latest totally wimped out scream seems to be pimp my car.

    My mother never saw her father. He died before she was born. One war to much, and very macho, ( for being gay, ( Like many nazis))

    But !
    Societal success seems to lead the population to decrease their numbers. Unsuccessfull tribes on the other hand, flourish ! Skinny cows and skinny people and skinny dogs and hard , hard realities that soften, whenever an angel from the wolrd of wonders and technology decends.

    Hm! That everincreasing energytimebomb does not help at all. Cold fusion? :lol:
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    "For those who refuse to think, it is best to at least rearrange ones prejudices from time to time." Mark Twain

    It's funny that "conservatives" label "liberals" as people who refuse to think or change their opinion, and then label them flip-floppers.
  19. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    That thinking is then based opn the good of all mankind and a spreading wealthgrid that takes care of poverty while including environmental conserns ?
    Woheyheyhey Lets thinkalot. Lets thinkalotalikethemthoughts.

    I met Jesus today. He smiled, not at me, but at the accuresr in his world there in the painting. We went to the movies and watched MI3. Cutre movie, but both me and J know that thats not what they do. He is just the butchest Cassidy. The shroud of Turin ha sstood model and what a pair of crying eyes. Not a republicxan bone in his body. Thet man would have spelt the end of any empure.
    Seriously. 100 pesos for a good copy.
  20. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Is there a sane bone in your body?

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