Do any of you think it is possible to be addicted to non alcohol beer? I swear can't go a day without it. I drink O'douls and Sharps. I don't crave "real beer" with alcohol, I crave the fake stuff. Is there a chance that they are putting some kind of chemical in it to make it addictive? I have stopped drinking it for a few days, and I swear I go through withdrawal. Any opinions or insights? Barry
I'm willing to bet it's ritualistic. You sit down and drink a beer when you relax. You haven't relaxed in a few days, so you're associating. Probably too obvious of an answer to be true, but it's something you might consider if you haven't already.
Not a bad theory. Actaully, I like to drink when I am working my ass off. I just came inside from building a storage building, and I am near dehydration. I usually drink the N/A stuff when I am hot and tired. It is about 95 degree here today, and I have sweated through to my underwear. Same think could apply. Maybe it is association. Barry
That's what I've noticed. I've never had a time in my life where I "needed" a beer, but I've had quite a few times where I've thought to myself, a beer would be really good right now. What the hell are you doing working on a shed on fathers day. Shouldn't you be sitting in a recliner making your kids feel guilty for all the sacrifices you've made. Have a seat Barry, and make the brats bring you open near beer for the rest of the day. Then give them the evil eye for not mowing the lawn.
In the last two weeks I have sold my house, bought a new car, bought a new house, met with State officals for a new contract, finished two other houses to "flip", argued with neighbors about the home owners association, attended one CEU class, built a fence, built a retaining wall, built a storage building, ran heavy equipment, hit my head three times on framing, and fixed two flat tires. This does not count the "normal" stuff I do. What is "sit down"? Barry
It's what you do when you're not raking in money hand over fist. I just had my first father come in today with his kids. They're playing Command and Conquer. He's over there laying down the rules about sportmanship. Basically he's telling them to shut the fuck up if they lose, but it seems much more fatherly then that.
I thought I was busy with my water main and my wife’s car water pump. I feel better now except you will probably profit from your labor mine just cost me both time and money. I used to drink O’Doules in the military out in the dessert in 29 palms it was all you could get since it had no real alcohol content it actually did quench your thirst and had the benefits of carbs. I bet it’s actually quite healthy if you are active.
Yeah, O'doules is one of the better tasting sparkling waters I've had. I saw a picture floating around on the net of non-alchoholic vodka. It might have been on fuglypictures. I'm pretty sure the description was "What's the point?".
I agree that it's probably a creature of habit, and the only other idea that comes to mind (which obviously isn't the case with you) is that it might have the placebo effect with an alcoholic... albeit, a rather 'slow' alcoholic.
It's an old joke Phat. You probably weren't even born at the time. ....and the only thing sick about me is the fact that I waste 20 minutes a day in this forum. Barry
Barry, are you saying you only spend 20 minutes a day in here? I know you been busy, but 20 minutes????
He's in denial. The man is addicted to near beer. He'll soon be in here posting about the weather and underage girls.
You think you can build a tin foil hat big enough to cover that enormous ghord he carries around? "Look at the size of that thing, it looks like Sputnik"....
Ummmm, maybe a little longer at night. I usually crash around 9:00PM, and spend an hour on the internet while Bugs watches the TiVo of 'Merican Idols (vomits again) I might check in several times in an hour. I am totally ashamed of even wasting that time. I have told you before, I hate this place, but I just can't seem to wean off of it. Hard to explain. I need help. Barry