imc gets his first batch 4 free 'cos i owe him... but i don't owe any of you other fuckers... so if anyone wants some.. and can't get any in their part o the globe.. contact me and we'll sort something out (stranger, lomo..etc..)
no.. (i know who is tho) but a lot of ppl have moaned to me that it's impossible to get in their countries/states
...the state i'm in today,i can't even go out for a carton of milk let alone pay my drug dealer a visit.
Hey, I'm not above begging for a good cause, and a nice dose of vitamin "A" is always at the top of my list. Fuck's sake, it can't turn out any worse than my last trip, can it?
Mmmmm Acid *starts salivating* Unfortunately they are realy going over mail coming into Aus at the moment (for some strange reason?)so it's prolly a bit risky right now. Damn shame too. What do ya think the chances are of things blowing over by New Years?
Hey!This could be a good buisiness plan, could start up A(cid) and E(cstacy) drug marketplace.
Hey Stranger, In my expieriance of the Australian drugs scene is that L.S.D is the 2nd most readily available drug ( next to weed ). I think it has something to do with other drugs like speed and cocain being so expensive. Athough I've often wondered why, seeing as there's no shortage of smack... ( I believe Aust is begining to build itself quite an addict-population ). What part of Oz do you live in? Maybe I can point you in the right direction...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey: Hey!This could be a good buisiness plan, could start up A(cid) and E(cstacy) drug marketplace.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Design a full presentation and proposals, utilising profit and loss, five year strategies and OTE... [ 15 Points ] Draw a colourful picture of child with a tree [ 5 Points ] Inkstain [ 5 Points ] Crossed out nonsense [ 5 Points ] Bonus points are awarded to those who give detailed workings [ 10 Points ]
Maybe 10 years ago Pinky but, aside form weed of course, speed is the #1 drug of choice followed closely by E.(or vice verca depending on the area) LSD is scarce. Coke is very very scarce but you could get Hammer easier than trips by far. I'm currently in Adelaide, the weed capital of Australia,( )but I've found the situation similar in Melbourne, Brisbane/goldcoast and North Qld (Cairns etc). Can't say for Sydney cos it sux and I just won't go there. And I don't think they do drugs in Canberra
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stranger: Maybe 10 years ago Pinky but, aside form weed of course, speed is the #1 drug of choice followed closely by E.(or vice verca depending on the area) LSD is scarce. Coke is very very scarce but you could get Hammer easier than trips by far. I'm currently in Adelaide, the weed capital of Australia,( )but I've found the situation similar in Melbourne, Brisbane/goldcoast and North Qld (Cairns etc). Can't say for Sydney cos it sux and I just won't go there. And I don't think they do drugs in Canberra <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh! Well I guess I was just lucky(?) then...