Upparoom2002 on AIM kitana996 - me, on AIM just for the fuck of it, but i know he really likes it. Upparoom2002: hey, didnt notice you were back on kitana996: yeah i was talking to some other guy about blood Upparoom2002: what abou blood? kitana996: i like the smell of it Upparoom2002: cool kitana996: when i cut open stinkie n the goat n the pig Upparoom2002: yeah? kitana996: its salty n iron-smelling kitana996: yeah Upparoom2002: hmm kitana996: yeah Upparoom2002: that's a good descrion kitana996: n then when i am on my period kitana996: what is a good decision? Upparoom2002: sorry Upparoom2002: description kitana996: oh ok kitana996: when i am on my period kitana996: i like the smell of the fresh blood klots on my pad Upparoom2002: there is defintely a distinct odor about that kitana996: yeah... kitana996: makes my mouth water kitana996: but i wont eat it Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: i know where its been Upparoom2002: oh Upparoom2002: I did once kitana996: have u ever smelled... u did what? Upparoom2002: I ate out a girl on her raf Upparoom2002: rag kitana996: udid? Upparoom2002: yeah kitana996: n what did it taste like? Upparoom2002: once Upparoom2002: like raw meat Upparoom2002: have you ever eaten freshly killed meat kitana996: nope nut raw Upparoom2002: oj Upparoom2002: I'm talking about just when we killed it Upparoom2002: when it's heart is still pumping blood Upparoom2002: cut into it and take a big bite Upparoom2002: that's what it tastes like kitana996: u did that? Upparoom2002: I'm not sure if I'm making sense to you Upparoom2002: or not Upparoom2002: we went deet hunting Upparoom2002: deer' kitana996: ok Upparoom2002: and when we shot it Upparoom2002: it's heart was still beating when we took a chunk of flesh out of it Upparoom2002: that;s what eating a woman out on her rag tastes like Upparoom2002: like I said, it's hard to describe kitana996: u tasted the chunk of flesh? Upparoom2002: yeah kitana996: hmmmm kitana996: y? Upparoom2002: it was a tradition Upparoom2002: it's what you do on your first kill kitana996: oh...tradition for who? Upparoom2002: for the guys that went hunting with us kitana996: oh ok kitana996: so u can eat a chik out while she is bleeding? Upparoom2002: yeah Upparoom2002: I dont have a problem with it kitana996: have u ever been tested for STDs? Upparoom2002: no Upparoom2002: well, Upparoom2002: actually Upparoom2002: everything except the big one Upparoom2002: why? Upparoom2002: I'll be honest with you kitana996: ok... Upparoom2002: I'm one of those people that will try almost anything once Upparoom2002: so when she wanted me to eat her Upparoom2002: I did Upparoom2002: once Upparoom2002: I dont know if I'd do it again Upparoom2002: depends on the situation kitana996: hmmmmm kitana996: how many sex partners have u had? Upparoom2002: 2 Upparoom2002: 1 for over 10 years kitana996: oh ok... Upparoom2002: I was married up to about 6 months ago Upparoom2002: so we did a lot of crazy things together kitana996: u got a divorce? Upparoom2002: yeah kitana996: no kids? Upparoom2002: 1 kitana996: boy r girl? Upparoom2002: girl kitana996: oh... how old? Upparoom2002: 3 kitana996: hmmmmm kitana996: do u have an MSN messenger account? Upparoom2002: nope Upparoom2002: hate MSN kitana996: ok Upparoom2002: why Upparoom2002: ? kitana996: have u ever eaten yer daughter out? Upparoom2002: that's nasty Upparoom2002: of course not kitana996: its good kitana996: some other guy told me how he fucked a 2 year old kitana996: they r really tight at that age Upparoom2002: no, i dont think so kitana996: n their pelvis makes this popping sound kitana996: what's better than hairless pussy? kitana996: most guys prefer that Upparoom2002: yeah, but I prefer it on an 18+ woman kitana996: dont lie kitana996: u know u wouldnt mind some really tight hairless ass Upparoom2002: nope Upparoom2002: not if they werent legal kitana996: no one will find out Upparoom2002: nope kitana996: at 2, they cant talk much Upparoom2002: I draw the line at 18 kitana996: cum on now kitana996: a tight 2 yr old? kitana996: dont lie Upparoom2002: nope Upparoom2002: never Upparoom2002: ever kitana996: try it for the first time Upparoom2002: I decline Upparoom2002: thank you kitana996: LOL Upparoom2002: has to be over 18 for me to even consider it kitana996: what about 17? Upparoom2002: illegal kitana996: a 16 yr old retard, deaf-mute? Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: nope kitana996: its ok, dont worry the retard wont tell anyone Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: ROFL kitana996: wouldnt u like to shove yer little 2inch cock up her cunt? Upparoom2002: hey kitana996: ? Upparoom2002: 2" Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: we know about yer 2inch cock Upparoom2002: ha h Upparoom2002: a Upparoom2002: ok kitana996: we know about the kiddie porn u look at Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: you are something else kitana996: we know how u try to meat chiks so that u can get a piece of ass kitana996: we know it all... Upparoom2002: rofl Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: who's we kitana996: just kum klean n admit it kitana996: we kitana996: u know us Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: We Own You Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: you are great kitana996: am i? kitana996: r are we? Upparoom2002: interesting sense of humor Upparoom2002: kitana996: how about a threesome? kitana996: me, 20 kitana996: n a 2 yr old ? Upparoom2002: uh. no kitana996: or a 16 yr old retard deaf mute Upparoom2002: how about just you and me kitana996: she will be tight.... Upparoom2002: yeah, but I cant stand all that moaning kitana996: i hope u like to bend over n take it up the ass kitana996: she cant talk Upparoom2002: but she can moan Upparoom2002: that deaf-mute moan thing they do kitana996: no noises...maybe it would be better if we slipped her some roofies kitana996: she cant Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: she is a vegetable Upparoom2002: like you know a 16 year old vegetable kitana996: u gonna get on yer knees n suck my 11 inch cock? Upparoom2002: Upparoom2002: u got an 11" cock huh' Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: yeah i do kitana996: b/c i be black, nigga Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: aww man, you are too much kitana996: we are too much, yes we are kitana996: you cant handle us Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: yes Upparoom2002: you'all are too much kitana996: so kitana996: u wanna get gangbanged by a bunch of hot gay hunks? kitana996: we can make manly love down by the river Upparoom2002: no thanks kitana996: the nueces river that is Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: ROFL!!! Upparoom2002: nueces huh Upparoom2002: kitana996: yeah kitana996: after we fuck u senseless kitana996: n u bleed from yer ass kitana996: we will feed u to the gatan kitana996: the gar Upparoom2002: oh no! not the gar Upparoom2002: kitana996: they like bloody man with lots of manjuice up his ass Upparoom2002: feeding time kitana996: yeah kitana996: we will cut off yer dick kitana996: n shove it up yer daughter's cunt kitana996: she will be watching the show kitana996: yer ex will be crucified on the shore kitana996: where is the halo? Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: u know u will like it kitana996: u know u want it kitana996: just bend over kitana996: n take it like a man Upparoom2002: yeah ok Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: n kry like the bitch that u r kitana996: we know how u kry kitana996: we know how u moan kitana996: yer ex has it recorded kitana996: we saw it Upparoom2002: lol Upparoom2002: wouldnt doubt it kitana996: we know about yer 2inches kitana996: its ok kitana996: u know how to use it...somewhat Upparoom2002: well, I guess you really do know then kitana996: on a scale of 1-10, we give u a 5 kitana996: for effort Upparoom2002: thanks kitana996: but for yer dick size we give u a 2 Upparoom2002: damn kitana996: because it will be 2 who will bend u over Upparoom2002: I was looking for a 4 at least kitana996: nope kitana996: nut what we saw Upparoom2002: well Upparoom2002: ok kitana996: we are going to take care of yer daughter kitana996: we have a jar big enough for her body kitana996: we know about her missing chromosomes Upparoom2002: oh man Upparoom2002: that's so mean kitana996: so we will kill her n preserve her kitana996: its ok kitana996: u were born with extra chromosomes kitana996: so it pretty much evens out kitana996: btw, yer vagina is pretty big kitana996: yer loose, too Upparoom2002: yeah kitana996: when u get fucked vaginally, do u need lube? Upparoom2002: I flap when I walk kitana996: or does the blood lubricate...we know kitana996: we have heard u kitana996: we have been close to u Upparoom2002: ha ha kitana996: in the parking lots kitana996: in the aisles kitana996: flap, step, flap, step, pussy fart, step Upparoom2002: ha ha kitana996: yer vagina is so deep n huge yer daughter goes camping in it when she sleeps over at yer place kitana996: n then that chik yer getting close to kitana996: r think yer close to kitana996: is gonna fuck you over kitana996: did u take a paternity test? Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: it might nut be yers? Upparoom2002: no Upparoom2002: oh it's mine kitana996: u sure? Upparoom2002: yep kitana996: b/c yer ex was one of our crackwhores Upparoom2002: oh kitana996: yeah Upparoom2002: did not know that kitana996: u were supposed to be a crackho too kitana996: but u didnt get addicted Upparoom2002: oh kitana996: at least from what we know Upparoom2002: that sucks kitana996: what does? we know u do, n u suck very well, too Upparoom2002: 1-10 ? kitana996: 8 kitana996: we expect u to be sucking cock as a career soon Upparoom2002: so those lessons didnt go to waste then kitana996: nope, we taught u well Upparoom2002: sweet kitana996: beating the krap out of u n tearing out yer teeth kitana996: feels pretty damn good Upparoom2002: no, that hurt actually kitana996: u came when we did it kitana996: u know u liked it kitana996: its ok Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: we just want u to enjoy the pain that brings u pleasure Upparoom2002: lol kitana996: tell me when you have had it rough kitana996: it was the best kitana996: we saw from the dark Upparoom2002: never been rough kitana996: 8 of us minus5 kitana996: it was kitana996: we saw kitana996: sixteen days until u see Upparoom2002: 16 kitana996: the bright light n drugs n stuff Upparoom2002: ok kitana996: then u wont be able to pee kitana996: kidney rot Upparoom2002: ooh Upparoom2002: I have to use a tube kitana996: yeah kitana996: yep kitana996: n u will be shitting in a bag kitana996: actually u do shit in a bag kitana996: called a diaper Upparoom2002: haha kitana996: just keep on exercising those muscles kitana996: they will get stronger Upparoom2002: kegels kitana996: kegels? Upparoom2002: yeah kitana996: umnia Upparoom2002: kegel muscles you have to excercise kitana996: umnia is what u will scream when i ram my foot up yer ass Upparoom2002: to keep you from blowing your load too quick kitana996: mine r loose kitana996: from getting ass-rammed kitana996: the great goatse god! Upparoom2002: time to excercise kitana996: nope kitana996: there is no rectum Upparoom2002: GOATSE rocks me Upparoom2002: man kitana996: men kitana996: i am going to bed Upparoom2002: ok Upparoom2002: talk to you later kitana996: my boyz will keep us warm kitana996: we will fuck u laters Upparoom2002: cool kitana996: allright. we dont need protekshun Upparoom2002: yeha kitana996: b/c we use broomsticks n then we burn Upparoom2002: cool Upparoom2002: safe sex kitana996: ok then kitana996: we know u will enjoy it. Upparoom2002: hope so kitana996: we know kitana996: gnite Upparoom2002: night kitana996: when u masturbate think of a guy fingering yer ass, plz Upparoom2002: ok Upparoom2002: I'll think of your 11" cock kitana996: good then kitana996: we know u will like us Upparoom2002: ha ha kitana996: bend over n enjoy
I like the premise, but honestly, there was no buildup. You see, I think the point is to gain a sort of trust in you, and then betray it. I didn't get that there was that trust at all, moreover simply suspicion. But hell, thats just me. Maybe I ought to try it, and let you rate me huh?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Codek: Maybe I ought to try it, and let you rate me huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yeah that'd be good...
yeah, this guy enjoyed what i told him, for some reason, all the guys that i fuck with like that enjoy what i tell em. i dunno why.