Because it is Christmas, and I'm in a relatively good mood, I've compiled a list, checked it twice, and here are my Christmas wishes for you all. Don't get mad about placement, it's in a pretty random order. Schmed- For you, a one night stand with a Norwegan midget. Sexual Chocolate- Some new dance moves, so you don't look like an epileptic. FrostyDaSnowPimp- Aids, and a quick death. This is more for us than you, but fuck it. USArmySPC- A 12 inch dildo, with a likeness of Saddam standing in front of an Iraqi flag on it. And a copy of Mein Kampf. Chester Grape- More time to waste on here. Stymie- A years subscription to "Crackwhore" magazine. Psycho Bob- A newer joke book, with big letters and lots of pictures. Nursey- A boob job. Not much, just enough to get you up to an A cup. Lunchbox- An anatomically correct inflatable Nursey doll, with patch kit. Ratilla The Hun- An autographed picture of Britney Spears, the Spice Girls, and Kenny G. I Murder Children- 3 days and 2 nights at Neverland Ranch, and a reserved spot right next to Michael on that heart shaped bed. The Only Living Boy- A date with a real live human female. Just a date, no sex. Pimpdaddy- A case of budweiser, and three rednecks to drink it with. High Class White Trash- A new trailer home, with running water this time. Lomo - A warehouse in your backyard to store all that crap you have. Green Apple Splatters- The worst case of carpal tunnel you can possibly get. Retard Wearing a Helmet- A shiney new helmet, with "Helmet Laws Suck" stickers all over it. Cyberpimpsonic- One bullet, and the ability to aim the gun at your own head. Dubya- A new handle, one that doesn't pay homage to a fuckwit. Dr. Roboto- Photoshop, so you don't have to play with Paint anymore. Fred Vegas- A pack of hot dogs, a bottle of tequilla, and 3 friends with digital cameras. Cheezedawg- Six midgets singing "the 12 days of Christmas" for 24 hours straight. Icenhour- A years subscription to the nastiest porn site on the net. Nausious- A baseball bat, and 1/2 hour alone with Nursey. Coulrophobe- A sense of humour. Ulfer Engil- 3 cases of Olde English, a motorcycle, and a strap on. Tim The God- Boy George's used underwear. Mister Sinister- Some fresh jokes. Hope I didn't miss anybody.
Shit, I shoulda looked that over...I *DID* miss a couple....Sorry about that! Unlimited Time- More initiative to post funny shit. Cough Syrup- A baseball bat, and a 1/2 hour alone with any 3 new posters here.
LOL. Nursey, I'm not fat. And my tits are smaller than yours. UT- I said FUNNY shit. I do have a family....they were all asleep when I wrote that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: LOL. Nursey, I'm not fat. And my tits are smaller than yours.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Y'know, the last guy that said words to that effect to me could've easily filled a B cup...
a fucking helmet?..... you could have atleast wished for me to get one of those cool toys this year.... thanks a lot asshole!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Nursey- A boob job. Not much, just enough to get you up to an A cup. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How thoughtful, but i have a much better idea...use the money for my 'boob job' to get yours removed! I'm quite used to having smaller tits than the other females, but it's admittedly a little embaressing being a good couple of cup sizes smaller than a guy.
Nursey- I don't doubt that one bit. Oddly enough, I'm not lieing about it. Retard- Hey, you are the one who said you didn't have one! I was trying to be NICE. HUMPH!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Nursey- I don't doubt that one bit. Oddly enough, I'm not lieing about it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What!? Have you already had a reduction? Good for you!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Dr. Roboto- Photoshop, so you don't have to play with Paint anymore. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> paint was getting kinda boring, now i can crop and edit a couple pics of boobies I was wanting to do.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Lomo - A warehouse in your backyard to store all that crap you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm fucking humbled by this... I really wannt to thank you for reading this much into each of our personalities to warrant such a post............. fuck itr, too drunk/d up to finish.... fuck you all and tto all a good nighyt!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Y'know, the last guy that said words to that effect to me could've easily filled a B cup... [/QUOTE] Teeheeheehhehhehehee...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo: Fred Vegas- A pack of hot dogs, a bottle of tequilla, and 3 friends with digital cameras.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why you dumb son-of-a-BITCH!! Everyone knows I only drink Captain Morgan's with my muhfuggin roofies... ....and where the hell were you on the list? BAH HUMBUG!
apperantly skitzo hadnt noticed that i am already in possesion of a midget, i mean at least you could of gotten me something i needed... now where the hell is Archie...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PimpDaddy: i spy another addition to the "unwanted presents" section at the local charity shop<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well that's good news for you then, you prick.