A day in the life of Mr. RODgers:

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by erectreject, Nov 30, 2002.

  1. erectreject

    erectreject New Member

    9:47 am- wake up, kick lil devil's mom outta my bed. Tell the bitch to get a cab,(she has no fare though, cuz she spent it all on vagisil, preparation H, and the good ass-fucking I gave her the night before).
    10:00 Make coffee, wash I Murder Children's little sister's saliva off my knob (She keeps complaining that it tastes like lil devil's mom's ass)and prepare to start my day.
    10:15 Now enjoying my steaming hot cup of java (is that a hair in my cup?- I keep telling Obsessive Compulsive's girlfriend to shave her back. Hairy ass bitch anyway.)
    Tap into OC's computer, pull up child porn files and forward them to Interpol.
    10:45 Read IMC's online journal (interesting, except all that incest talk)
    Anyway, quit lying about how well your mom gives head, I KNOW BETTER!
    11:00 Prank Call to lil devil. Can you believe this is the 3rd time this week that I've sold lil devil a subscription to "Pedophile Cop Weekly"? (Geez, some people never snap!)
    11:30 Contemplate OC's secret love with Ze Vampire Lady. How's it gonna work out? The only thing they seem to have in common is that they both suck!
    12:00 Eat lunch, drink a glass of white zinfandel. I keep meaning to recommend that stuff to I Murder Children-might help to get the taste of my sperm out of his mouth!
    1:00 Suddenly realize that I have a LIFE (unlike these no good, two-bit, pooh-butt, perpetratin', 50-cent trick take-it-in-the-ass, Quicky Mart hoes in this forum.)
    1:01 Log off, take off, and fuck off. Bye!
  2. ross_perot

    ross_perot New Member

    wow you suck even more than Danza...that is a feat!
  3. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    It appears Mr Rodgers has some sort of attention deficit syndrome. Mind you Ross, at least some of Danza's postings where funny, this twat's just plain tedious.
  4. joeker

    joeker New Member

    You're supposed to post pics here you dumbass....go post this drivel somewhere else

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