I got to see the digital video replay of what I like to call "The moment of realization..." - that carefully placed expression of concern shown in one's face as they realize that they either A) have shit themselves, or B) are three seconds away from shitting themselves. I'm not certain which one of them it was, but without a doubt, it was a miserable experience for the other person locked in the cash room when it happened. The next video feed shows her streaking through the main aisle of the store towards the exit, with a large brown shitstain on her pants. Wonder how her car upholstery smells... Not the first time this has happened, either... :shock:
After she went home and changed herself, she came back for the rest of her shit...err, shift - apparently not noticing the two brown shitsmears on the back of her blazer. I can only wonder how that got there. My theory: In her younger years, she was such an anal nymph that she lost all elasticity back there. Hell, probably still is.
Where do you work? What sort of a place has people shitting themselves? I've had a lot of crappy jobs in my life but haven't ever seen that one. Wow.
I love the fact that the cell phone in her hand looks like a vitamin pill. Hey Dan, I bet she'll put out.
Wow, a blast from the past! I remembered reading this before and was about to call someone on it and then I realized it was old as fuck. I still don't remember the password to my smurfslappa account and Jefe never messaged me back. Asshole.
What the fuck Well it is my first day here and well i can tell you all live interresting lives. I think I will stay
Well, Fuck you, Canuck, welcome to the herd, and piss on you, smurf, as I'm inebriated to the point of not being capable of coming up with better insults. Cheers abound and all around to my dysfunctional, non-locally-impaired, penance of a family!