Greetings Mr. White, I felt it necessary to follow up to a recent story that was published in Cincinnati Post. It was the 1 in 3 believe 9-11 conspiracy theory. I must admit that at first I was overwhelmed with joy that our local paper was actually starting to have real journalism and talk about real issues. Then I read the story and it was a total debunk to make the actual people around the world who feel there was something not right about 9-11, to look like over reacting conspiracy theorists. Im utterly outraged. My 9 year old daughter could have done more research in this, as opposed to just trying to throw the publics ideas and feelings out. Is this not what journalism is supposed to represent - real issues? There have been many, many polls done in major cities that actually ask people how they felt about the 9-11 tragedy. One such poll is called the Zogby poll; which was offered in New York City. Honestly I could care less what is done with this letter, but I feel that I should speak my mind and Ill tell you some things that I have not told many people at all. From 1995 till 2002 I was a Sergeant in the United States Army. Not only this, but I was stationed at United States Central Command, which is located at MacDill AFB in Tampa Florida. I was on active duty when 9-11 happened. In the days prior to the tragedies, we were involved in many exercises. Some of these exercises included the scenarios of hijacked planes crashing into, our building the world trade center, the White House, Sears Tower, and the Pentagon. These drills or exercises as we called them, where classified Top Secret. Having a Top Secret rated clearance I was dumbfounded that they would ever push a training exercise above the level of Secret. Over my 8 years in the Army, I had participated in many exercises around the world, none of which were ever classified over the Secret level. Ill start by saying a few months prior it was announced by President Bush that Dick Cheney would be heading up operations over NORAD our North American Aerospace Defense Command. Along with many of my peers, we were shocked. Over the years, if you research NORAD, it has always been under the command of a Military officer. It was done this way because the defense of this country has always been in the hands of such. Prior to the months before 9-11 this was all of the sudden changed. Like I said, if you research NORAD and the command structure you will find that it was imposed long ago that the military should be in control of the order to scramble planes in the defense of American air space. For some strange reason, Bush changed this and gave that power to a civilian person on his Staff team yes I know, very interesting. Back to the morning of 9-11; the command was busy with this training exercise. We were instructed to bring all our gear in to prep for a mock (staged) deployment to the Middle East. On the morning of 9-11 I had been on base prepped and ready to go since about 0400am. During my time at the base that morning, they were setting up barriers around the command and placing gun posts on the roofs. When I questioned one of the security officers about the machine gun and shoulder fired rockets on the roof I was given the answer its a precaution for a plane attempting to crash into this building. So, I was standing in the SCIF (Secure Compartmented Information Facility), which is basically this underground bunker command post for USCENTCOM, when the first plane hit. We were watching the fly patterns of all the planes on the aerospace grid. This contained not only all commercial flights at the time, but all military flights, and fake enemy planes that were supposedly put on there for the exercise. Many of the planes sent to intercept the fake blips were scrambled from Andrews which is an air defense AFB for the East Coast. They were sent across the US and left very few planes to defend the capital. After the first plane hit the tower we were all in disbelief. After the initial shock was over, our questions were what are the odds this could happen for real, during a training exercise thats covering the same scenario? We were all at wits end. Then to top all of this off, Cheney gave NORAD the order to stand down scrambling jets to intercept. A few moments later tower 2 was hit. Only after the Pentagon was hit, did he give the orders to scramble the jets to intercept the plane bound for the White House. All of this is very interesting to me it sickened me so that I left the Army after coming back from an 8 month deployment to Afghanistan. There were just too many questions that no one could answer, too many things that did not make sense. How is it possible to have a training exercise about planes hitting the WTC and then actually have planes hit the WTC? This kind of thing just does not happen unless its pre-planned. What reason would there be to have this type of exercise on that morning, Ill tell you if you are placing fake planes all over the north American aerospace grid then you have no way of knowing which planes are real and which are fake. Then to thicken the plot you put a civilian in charge of NORAD so that the military does not have the power to initiate the order for jets to be scrambled to intercept. If the military would have still commanded power over NORAD they would have scrambled jets because they would have simply followed the procedures that had been in place for this type of situation for years and years and scrambled jets. To delve even further, as Im standing there watching the towers collapse, next to me is one of my good friends and a former commander of the Army Corps of Engineers. He is a demolitions expert. He was even more surprised than me. When the towers collapsed he kept saying this isnt right, this isnt right. When I asked him what he was talking about he told me that steel buildings dont fall down that way. Even if they are struck by objects; he went on to say that in theory if the top 10 floors were hit, then possibly just that part of the building would fall over and off, but the rest would remain standing. When I asked him, not understanding the implications of demolitions, he told me that it looked as if they were brought down by controlled demolitions. I was utterly amazed, but after he said that it did sort of appear that way. Ill tell you what gave this whole thing away was building 7. If they would not have brought this building down, then they probably could have gotten away with it all. It was the most amazing site I have ever seen. Not only was it amazing, it bore reality to the truth of the situation something was not right here. Now, Im going to tell you all I have learned, but I urge anyone to just spend 1hr reading about this incident on the internet and learning the facts. There have been numerous scholars, numerous physicists that have analyzed this over and over and over again. And they all come to the same conclusion, something does not add up. Building 7 was never directly hit by a plane. Now it was stated that a piece of one of the towers fell onto the side of building 7 and caught one of the floors on fire. A few moments later we all witnessed the most perfect example of controlled demolitions to ever be caught on camera. It could not be proved that building 7 fell due to fire. My friend and I standing there in the SCIF watching in uninterruptible awe with all those other military members; watching building 7 fall perfectly onto its footprint; my friend stating that it was beautifully done. We all knew then we all realized that this was not some group of unorganized cave dwellers from Afghanistan orchestrating a perfect hit on American soil. It was impossible. Shortly after the Pentagon was struck I called my close friend that I went to Basic Training with. All civilian lines were down and I had to contact him via STU which is a black line classified phone system. He did not answer, but one of his soldiers did. I asked if SGT Worthington was ok and he said yes. I asked if the plane did severe damage and he told me I didnt see any plane. Then when I finally got to speak to my friend, he started acting strange saying he could not talk about the incident over this line. He was shipped off overseas a few weeks later and I never to this day have had the chance to speak with him. The Pentagon crash tape was released a few months back after 5 years. You need to watch that tape no where can you see a plane strike the Pentagon. This is because it was not a plane. I cannot tell you exactly what hit the Pentagon, but its unanimous; it was definitely not a plane. I can assure you that there is more than one CCTV camera around the Pentagon. On September 25, 4 days before my 25th birthday, I deployed to Afghanistan. Over the 8months I was there I had never seen one intelligent Afghani soldier. They were all tattered and scrawny and could barely shoot their weapons straight. This does not mean that there were not men that could fly a plane, but after what I saw it was extremely hard to believe they could be taught to fly a sophisticated piece of aeronautical equipment. My point Mr. Editor is that I spent 8 months in combat watching my brothers die in the name of Freedom. I killed, in the name of Freedom and to this day my brothers are still being killed for this illusionary war we call the War on Terror. Where the enemy has no face where there is no clear objective. In this War, anyone with ill thoughts toward this country can be defined as a terrorist. Well, I guess that includes me in this group as well as everyone else who questions the events of 911, because we all hold ill thoughts toward the leadership of this country and I say the real terrorists in this world sit right in the heart of its capital. I have bled for this country and would do so again in a heart beat but only to protect its people, the true Americans that live here. I would never again offer my life under the leadership whose real goal is oil and money. The same ones who staged the most perfect illusionary tactic in our history that was a pretext to a war on terror that would never again go away. Their goal was to scare the American public into submission making it easier for the world powers to do their evil and get away with it. Now that may sound like a typical conspiracy theorist I guess, but how many do you actually talk to? Im not here saying that Aliens came down and used laser beams to bring the towers down or control the planes that were flown; Im telling you as a sane, logical and intelligent individual, something does not add up about this. Earlier this year I was watching the Discovery channel. They have a PBS program called Rebuilding America. This particular episode was about the WTC building 7. They interviewed Larry Silverstein (the owner) about building 7. He stated on national TV the following which is the direct quote and can be found here: I remember getting a call from the, ER, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse. I actually have the program recorded and you are more than welcome to come by my house and watch it. He actually stated this on national TV. I was so amazed that I almost shat myself. I could not believe he actually stated this on a nationally broadcasted TV program. You can ask any person who has done controlled demolitions please interview someone they will tell you it takes weeks of planning to do this. We are expected to believe that this was facilitated and planned in a matter of hours for building 7, while the damn thing was on fire you have got to be kidding me. If that is not enough to make you believe something was fishy well then nothing will ever do. Since that time there have been numerous scholars, some of which have actually been publicly broadcasted on CSPAN. The latest program was called: Theories about 9-11. American Perspectives and you can watch this (which I advise you do) per this link: Theories about 9-11 (American Perspectives) or you can go to and look under their video/audio section to find this title. Its an outstanding video and encompasses the thoughts of not only the American public, but also Dr Steven Jones from Brigham Young University a physics professor that actually received a piece of the rubble from the WTC. Not only does he profoundly agree that building 7 was a controlled demolition he can prove it. After he analyzed the piece of debris they found; there were large traces of sulfur and Thermite found. If you did not know, Thermite is a chemical compound found in many explosives including C4 which I have used many times in the Army. It leaves a distinct smell and identifiable residue upon explosion. Dr Jones found large traces of this from the rubble. Sir, there are many things that I never wanted to know for one that the government that is supposed to be caring for the American people could be corrupt. This was the last thing that I ever wanted to be true but its time we wake up and smell the bullshit because its permeating throughout the American public and we are all starting to realize whats really going on. If your news station actually did a similar Zogby type poll here in Cincinnati, I think you would find that a lot more than 1/3 of the people believe this. I know tons just in this area. I could literally write you 100 pages of truths that could prove that 9-11 was an inside job, but Id probably just be passed off as some crazy conspiracy theorist. Instead I want to give you the tools to look for yourself because the quest for wisdom is a journey we must all take alone. So, to you I add the following links and if you just spend a small portion of your day reading and watching some of this footage, who knows you may wake up and stand along side the rest of us in utter amazement. Respectfully, SGT Lauro Chavez United States Central Command Thanks to the Internet, one of the few freedoms we have left, these truths can be sent to the public. Thank God we dont have to rely on news media to get this information out to everyone! This is only about a 10th of my list of sites. Enjoy; and when you are sick with the truth of things, let me know and Ill buy you a beer to ease your nerves. Loose Change Volume 2 (An outstanding documentary done about 911 that includes news reports and live footage of the tragedy and finds that some things are not what they seem) Official Pentagon Plane Crash Video (You tell me where the plane is) Silverstein saying we decided to pull the building The collapse of building 7 Another video of bldg 7 (In this you can see the widely noticeable crinkle that is common in controlled demolitions) Watch the following in sequence: 1. Showing the Thermite at work. (In this video you can see the molten concrete and metal spewing out of the WTC. This is what happens when a Thermite type explosive is used to cut down steel pillars) 2. Then watch this video (it shows the spot where the molten metal is coming out the same spot where the building crinkles and collapses) Misc Links for research: Zogby Poll Results As you can see, Im not your typical conspiracy theorist I actually have a good job! I thought at first I might send you this from an anonymous email address, but you know what now you know Im not just some stupid kid. Thanks for taking the time to read. Respectfully, Lauro "LJ" Chavez Director of Information Security Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions Phone and Email removed due to the volume of calls and emails. As the guardians of technology; security shall be our shield and vigilance our sword Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez, 9/11 Whistle Blower Speaks Out to the Editor of the Cincinnati Post
Unfortunately Nursey, someone with the last mane of "Chavez" doesn't carry a lot of weight in the US these days. This 911 "inside job" stuff is so old. I would find it easier to believe that Bill Clinton didn't have sex with Monica than to believe the GW crashed jets into the WTC.
I got a feeling George has his shoes marked left and right so he doesn't get them confused. So him coming up with 9/11 nope.
'God is good. God is great. God is good. My God is good. Bin Laden's God is bad. His is a bad God. Saddam's God was bad, except he didn't have one. He was a barbarian. We are not barbarians. We don't chop people's heads off. We believe in freedom. So does God. I am not a barbarian. I am the democratically elected leader of a freedom-loving democracy. We are a compassionate society. We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection. We are a great nation. I am not a dictator. He is. I am not a barbarian. He is. And he is. They all are. I possess moral authority. You see this fist? This is my moral authority. And don't you forget it.'
From harold pinters nobel-speach. But " someone with the last mane of "Chavez" doesn't carry a lot of weight in the US, is nice allso.
Yeah, so old. Like you. At least it isn't shallow too.:roll: I'm in absolutely no doubt as to who was responsible for the apocalyptic act. But i just thought i'd post this article, the latest in an increasingly long list of whistleblower's as a sort of last ditched effort to reach those who might be receptive to such a sincere sounding, well presented account. Before the next stage kicks off, and before the last of our ever diminishing rights are stripped from us. Surely we owe it to the memories of all who have died as a result - either directly that day or the millions who have since either died or suffered unimaginable horrors as a consequence, and to the millions more who will suffer in years to come to make absolutely sure the conclusion we've come to is the nearest thing we can get to the truth? Are you so sure that you'd stake your life, your children's and grandchildren's life on it? The lives of billions of people the world over? Because that is ultimately what is at stake here with this 'old news'. Do you seriously think that's what is being suggested here? If so, then there isn't much hope. Isn't it!
One has to admire those G.O.P`s. Some of the victories of the left and the peacemovement during the age of hippie created a reaction in certain strata of society. Though hard to identify the criminal patriots breaking the constitution to win the cold war, a certain scepticism for hippie politics abides. Breaking the law for the sake of ones country is an old strategy to gain a certain leverage. I am not sure about what level of unlawful/unintentional death is felt acceptable in what societal groups. The politics of depoliticising the public certainly stems from this core hypothesis. The nobel peace price to two american scientists for research into genetics is interresting. A breakthrough in RNA retroviral mumbo jumbo at ths point in history... I bet Dan has posted something on the general mayfaire. After all, he is a medical doctor. Another worthy case is that of the carismatic and stupid president. The last carismatic and stupid prez had a certain touch when he hugged Gorbachev. The end of the cold war and how stupid it all was. But whoever is the stupider, stupididy is the real tragedy and the enemy of pragmatic realpolitik. Realism involves truth, not as ideal, but as reality. Machiavellis division between personal and state morals should be considered carefully. Peace ! Love !
Respectfully, Lauro "LJ" Chavez Director of Information Security Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions Respectfully, SGT Lauro Chavez United States Central Command He's with both? Is Laura Chavez the pseudonymn that everyone uses when they want to reveal something like this?
'Unintentional'? I'm sure there is the concept of 'noble deaths' just as there are 'noble lies' in the neo(nazi)con "beautiful mind".
Fireman Lou Cacchioli was the first to grab me by the heart, mind and soul with his isolated courage by simply telling the truth about what he experienced to the only media that cared to ask about his eyewitness account of 9/11 on July 19, 2005. In the Arctic Beacon article, by Greg Szymanski, he related his observations during the efforts to save as many as he could with little regard for personal safety: "...there were bombs...elevator doors completely blown out... we heard this huge explosion that sounded like a bomb... another huge explosion like the first one hits.... Oh. My God, these bastards put bombs in here like they did in 1993! Then as soon as we get in the stairwell, I hear another huge explosion like the other two. Then I heard bang, bang, bang - huge bangs..." For the first time, this article finally allows Lou to tell his story, the way he wanted to tell it - truthfully and to the best of his knowledge. The article gives more than just the facts as he lived them. It gives insight into the fate of all the heroes present on that despicable day. A fate that awaits other eyewitnesses of the clean up crews and city inhabitants that had inadequate or no protection because the EPA had stated the air was safe to breathe. Damning testimony to the fact that there were bombs in the WTC, but it was only one man's eyewitness. How valid can one brave and seemingly honest man's visions be when there were many others that also had to have eyewitness testimony and managed to survive. Distinguished author and professor emeritus of the Claremont Graduate University, David Ray Griffin, exposes those virtually unreported eyewitness experiences in "Explosive Testimony:" Examples of a few of those accounts follow:
People see big foot prints in the woods and swear there is a creature called Bigfoot. People see lights move in the sky and sweat there are extraterrestrial beings. all the time people have perceptions that they see that are not true. Like puffs of smoke further down the building. Easily explained but no one is wanting the explanation they simply want to point out that the big evil powers manipulated this whole mess. It's insane when you consider simple points like. What did they do brainwash a bunch of stooges in turbans to plan an attack for years complete with video documentation?
Wow, Joe! All i can say is, with patriots like you, America doesn't need any enemies! We aren't talking about the vague stories of a few disorientated passers as told by a bunch of people who bear a grudge against the government...we're talking about a long list of first hand accounts by professional firefighters, engineers, police, paramedics, reporters (some of whom had been present at the time the bombs went off at the WTC in 1993)...and all of them pointing to the same conclusion! But i suppose you'll be telling us next that it isn't uncommon for people to suffer from group hallucinations when a tragedy occurs? IMPACT STATEMENTS- 9-11: But it doesn't matter. You don't read any of it with a genuine open mind anyway. "The fool has already made up his mind. Do not confuse him with facts." I think you are just a coward who is too scared to consider the unthinkable because it would interfere too much with your comfortable (warped) perspective on reality. "Many people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one's self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice." Michael Rivero
So called fact fish me out just one so called "fact" please I beg of you. [qoute]I think you are just a coward who is too scared to consider the unthinkable[/quote] What "unthinkable" are you referring to? That terrorist planted bombs just in case the plane did not do the trick? Oh I get it it was George Bush with the help of his evil twin our man of the hour Dennis Hastert :lol:
Well only drawing from this thread, the most obvious facts are that so many first hand witnesses...including police, engineers, firefighters and paramedics...stated that they were convinced there were bombs going off / a controlled demolition both in initial interviews to the press and in official witness accounts. And that there was a gagging order on all emergency workers who attended 'ground zero'. And that Silverstein - the owner of building 7 stated on national television that they "pulled it"... Obviously it's so unthinkable for you you can't consider it for even one split hypothetical moment! The unthinkable act i am referring to is the one where criminal elements of the intelligence services and the government were responsible for the bloodshed and destruction on their own soil in order to push through an agenda that was planned long before. 'Noble lies', i think they (the neocons and their mentor Leo Strauss) prefer to call it. Youtube: Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. The Criminal High Cabal. Well to you, perhaps. It's just a matter of perspective. And i'm sure we both look a bit warped to the average person who hasn't ever had much reason to question the status quo too much, but who also knows that the current government doesn't have fleece as white as snow as you seem to believe. Actually, i've already considered that. The creepy side of the 911 truth movement.
Not 1 fact in the whole paragraph. Like I said I can probably provide hundreds of eye witnesses that say they saw Bigfoot. I'm not buying it though. When the heat of the fire caused the fasteners to give way on one floor and the thousands of tons of concrete pounded the floor below I'm certain the sound vibrated down the support beams even to the first floor. I'm just as certain that this jarring effect cracked concrete and sent puffs of dust. This would have continued with a domino effect. Also as I indicated were there explosives used also that would not be so entirely surprising. Remember the world trade center? Do you think after failing there they would not have come up with a more robust plan?
Interesting link and perspectives not nearly so critical as I would be and more likely a distraction. You see the failure by persons in the movement to denounce the various obvious silly theories destroys their credibility with me.
Like: "Mission accomplished" ? Georgie boy came over like a kid playing cowboy there. So how stupid was he really or what was their agenda. Seems these people had no clue as to how to make peace and calm down a country. They just whent straight to the oil-department and now you have some tens of thousand of crippled veterans and more to come. Apart from the genocidal "civil-war" that US-army floats on, so as not to suffer straight out defeat. And its your fault, because you elected these people. Their incompetence is your incompetence. Rumsfeldt wanted to go in with less troops. This business-suit wity his killer-pen knew the power of the weaponry, and having seen the wrong movies, he though that made him a military man. :?
We have a phrase called Monday night quarter back and although you might not be familure with the phrase it certainly applies here. While critiquing the current policy please advise what a better policy would be. This is what is for some so obviously lacking. Taking a position of anything bad that happens in Iraq or elsewhere is the fault of current administration policy does not cut it. For example if the suggestion is that we should take on a policy of appeasement well that is flawed and this is proven many times. During Carter for example appeasement was a catastrophe. Regan fixed that. Then again During Clinton era a policy of appeasement is the reason why we are having to cleanup the problem now. Lets not so easily forget that we were attacked numerous times due to Clinton's policy and only once really since a policy of war on terrorism has been adopted.
First you imply that what those who were present perceived wasn't true, then you go on to qualify what they perceived with an alternative explanation of your own. Making sure you cover all your bases, Joe? And, just to get this straight, what about the emergency services who risk their lives to do their job...are you accusing some of them of wanting to turn what was for most/all of them the worst day in their life into an 'attention seeking' political ploy? And Joe, why do you think there is so much extensive training involved to become an expert in controlled demolition? Do you think it would be considered a 'well developed art and science' if all you had to do was launch a flaming steel tube into it and the result would be a neat 'pancaking' into the buildings' own 'footprint'? I'd say the fact that the buildings...all three of them...fell 'neatly into their own footprints'...and that this has never happened before to any building other than those in controlled demolitions...amounts to something a little more convincing than a bunch of average Joes saying they saw 'bigfoot'. :roll: