The NIC in my 360 has ceased to funtion. I had to spend over an hour with three "English-as-a-second-language" support personnel to confirm that my console needs repair. I hate having to go through all the stupid trouble-shooting with them (power off, power on, unplug, plug in). Yeah, tried all the dumb shit before I called. But, I had to play along in order to get the fix. It's under warranty and will cost me nothing but this next console will be 360 #3 for me. I like my 360, but this is getting old. See y'all back online in about 3 weeks.
My X360 is coming back today. About three weeks since I sent it off, I guess, give or take a few days.
Well, it may have been just 2 weeks. I was basing it on the post I started but I may have waited a while to box it up. Guitar Hero on the PS2 has been occupying my time lately so I haven't missed it.
you live closer to the repair center. I havent got my shipping carton yet, i did ask if they would replace my chipset with the falcon chipset.