3 nuns

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Spike_san, Jul 14, 2003.

  1. Spike_san

    Spike_san New Member

    three nuns have comited sins so they all go to the church to confess. the first walks into the perist's office and says "father, i got into a fight last night." he says go drink some holywater and give yourself 5 hailmarys. she says ok then leaves. the seconed one walk into the room and says, "last night i has sex with a man..." he looks as her and says "go drink so holywater and give yourself 100 hailmarys" she walks out. the last one walks in and says "before the others ot here i pissed in to holywater."
  2. pinklittlebunny

    pinklittlebunny New Member

    it is very kind of you to post a joke to keep dev dev amused for another week

    the poor thing was probably close to death from self abuse... there hasnt been a joke this lame for at least 2 weeks

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