GOP Gone Wild: Unruly Republicans Disrupt Health Care Debate With Screams, Shouts, And Delay Tactics This morning, the House began consideration...
Sounds to me like free healthcare wouldn't hurt. Imagine that, no debt because of medical bills. But conservatives would rather you being in debt...
This is all very boring and somewhat sad that a perfect stranger would pretend to know what my mother thinks of me. I don't understand why you're...
Not bad, been called worse by better; but there seems to be a certain redondance. What's with all the Oedipus' complex stuff? Maybe there is...
Tying a porkchop around my neck to get the dog to play with me? Pathetic, resorting to stock insults; what's the matter? Don't have enough brains...
Why do conservatives INSIST on ignoring the Patriot Act when they rant about "losing our freedoms"? If freedom and government control are big...
I love how they insinuate that Chicago crime lords would have influence over Obama; the GOP's "tin foil hat" theory that because Obama is black,...
So here we go again. Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh celebrating this country's loss on the olympic bid. It's not like it's an important issue like...
Nice to me so far? Calling me a fucknuts on your first post, saying I'm numb. You started the name calling and when I start doing it too, you get...
Why don't you answer on my other comments you fucking traitor. Godless scum.
Oh right, right. The good 'ol "government is out to git ya" crowd. In Joe's utopia there is no government, people just do what's right out of the...
So Bill Clinton lied, got impeached, republicans got their win. Doesn't change the fact that he presided over the largest economic expansion in...
True enough, my position is uncomprimising. Help the needy and the poor, regulate the banking system to avoid another financial crisis, and more...
You can already hear the high-fives over at the Democratic National Committee. A new poll from Gallup strongly suggests that the Democrat...
Huh huh... these are old news. What's your point?
How do you define topnotch? Sure some of the best hospitals in the world are american; but in terms of accessibility we are not. Healthcare...
Another gem from the garbage spewing hypocrit Limbaugh. That is a good lesson about making sure that your sources are real if quote them in...
Still ignoring the question: how do you fix it? You're really good at picking at what I say. But I don't see you bringing anything to the table.
The Washington Post is left wing? You're out of your fucking mind.
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