I think my title says it all you sarcastic fucking twits. Sod Off! Your woman all have bad teeth and smell of day old scotch. You loud mouth...
PimpDaddy is a stupid mother fucker! I laugh at your mongaloid ass......you know cock....dat's eet clown.
PimpDaddy watched "The Meaning of Life".
Though I wish no alliance with the Britt, I have to go with Pimp on this one. IMC you twisted fuck......they should have kept you in the pretty...
This posting will never die.
Your point is well taken. Now do somthing about your breath.
Bizarre...how did you hear about that?
The joke was missed a bit as the true joke lay in the "incest rape abortion cases". You see you farkin bloke, I was saying that your sweet ole...
I just got back from walking my dogs. I live in DC right off 24th & Connecticut Ave. Four blocks West on CT is the British Embassy. My Dogs love...
The line regarding abortion was a fucking joke that obviosly got past the lot of you. That is my problem, I am a PBS guy hanging in your MTV world.
Try reading more dickey...I said "your skull is mush" a reference to the earlier comment regarding, "while you are busy reflecting on what Sun...
I think FuckIt should throw the bash. I will organize a death match for everyones drunken enjoyment. I will let FuckIt and PimpDaddy (with his...
You know then that your skull is mush. Kudos though for Sun Tzu references. I keep four or five copies of it on the shelf and send them to people...
I'm your Huckleberry....come feel my fluff daddy. [img]
Finally somthing worth a shit from PimpDaddy
"You don't have time to think...if you think your dead" -Mavrick- Go ahead and study all you want, whilst you are trying to remember what Sun...
So "Fuck-it" you are a millionaire clown. Sounds like a load of shit. Someone of your callibur should have graduated to the pedophile chat...
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. -Albert Einstein- You are all CUNTS.
Another liberal pussy peeks out from under the rug. What Regal Forum is this that I of feeble mind might not speak truth. EAT COCK LITTLE MAN, and...
Separate names with a comma.