Hmmm... I'll have to look through my old files to find that picture of me fucking Willie Nelson... might that perk things up a bit?
I have not flaked off, either. Turns out my job has been licking my ass instead of Headee lately. I promise to try and make time to play nice...
Dio... did you mean business or bid-nezz?
It's okay Headee. At least you don't have a chewed-up face.
It is my role in life. I've come to accept that.
I heart being the fag contingent. Lord knows this forum NEEDS some gay lovin.
Sorry. It's just that I have a thing for digitally enhanced arm hair. *shiver*
Wow... for a weird Fugly poster he ain't bad-lookin. *growl*
I should post that pic of me as a kid... you know. The one of me standing in front of the tank in Tien Amen Square?
Them's some SHORT shorts!
Jefe might be a tool, but at least he's not an unfortunate-looking tool.
I was totally forgotten by Sean. I'm not whole anymore....
I can't miss this!! I heart smackdowns.
No, no Pink. That's perfect. I was berated earlier for not posting long enough comments. Bravo.
Nursey, darling. I apologize for my prior outburst. Nothin' but love for you AND your dish.
No, this isn't America you mincing-bottomed cumfart. "Mincing-bottomed cumfart", eh? Tsk, tsk. Do you eat cunt with that mouth??
Unless it's Barb and Cuntney. *shudder*
Nursey, you're entitled to your opinion, and this IS America (for now) and you can voice that opinion. Now shut up and go lay by your dish.
That too, Headee!! I'm WAY psyched to go and see The Marijuanalogues tonight. A co-worker asked me: "Do you think they'll hand out free...
I never requested said squeals. If I wanna hear squeals, I can go to a gay bar on Madonna night.
Separate names with a comma.