Soggy beds are hard to light..
Swedish people.. .The Germans smell like swedish fish ..
Big difference there . .And I mean BIG :wink: We smell like fish . . They smell like the Swedish. .
I am creating a loyal follower from used hankies .. I called him Dan cuz hiz spelling sucks . .( = SPOooON .. :roll: )
Don't play with yourself and guns at the same time. .. .. really ..
Is this the "There can be only one" thing all over again?
Looks like dan'll give you an "in" if you ask nicely :wink: :arrow:
Who abuses women down on their luck .. But so do we all ..
Indeed. . did not the bible say, "The seas will boil with blood, and mighty rains of fishes will ensue, and the Sign of The Drooling Man shall be...
Depends if you like it or not . . but seriously. .the koran states that it is okay to eat pork if you are not aware it is pork . . so draw your...
I don't take advice from a dr phil wannabe. . He scares me . ..
Indeed. . Thinking about other people makes you gay .. .. right. . I think swallowing other another man's jizz and liking it makes you gay....
What glitch. . . Look at your anatomy.. look at hers . .. You were made for each other . . Basic biology. . now go out there and screw that...
Lomo, your posts are as boring as your forum :shock: Are you trying to get Evil Sarah to take over? . . She's not your girlfriend is she ?
I can even think it. . (without moving my lips. .watch and learn)
I think your humor suits you..
I always figured you for someone who'd date girls that couldn't sit correctly on a toilet seat . .
Bungle HEARTS the man-mayo
You and your diseased mind.. If you channelled that inspiration into some decent lyrics.. who knows?
Separate names with a comma.