Top Six Movies at the momment 1) The Great Escape 2) Snatch 3) Fight Club 4) Layer Cake 5) Trainspotting 6) Acid House Honourable...
presently........Lord of War if you haven't seen it, please do, chilling story about the gun running business...apparently bases on actual events.
Re: thats funny...... Your a credit and inspiration to your generation. I can't wait untill you publish your memoirs.
You post alot for a guy who left a note that said he was going to be posting infrequently untill April, when the stress and mania in horse racing...
I love it when a plan comes together.....
who woulda thunk that you could use styling gel to give the pubes a look.....any sparkles in the mix smiles? Sparkley styled pubic hair....I'm...
I'll have you know, shaved pussy is every year! Freshly shorn Vagina is a thing of beauty, I get especially excited if they have gone to the extra...
What the fuck dude your (or you're for shmed who thinks it's necessary to expend the energy for moving his little finger to the left and expend...
....The group looked very Sauvé and proper in their evening attire, no one would have guessed that this is the before picture of the annual...
Don't you mean you dig chicks........holes to be burried in?
At least someone in your house swallows.....
I don't believe in violence or punishment, even punishment of a superior kind. The sociopath in my idea wouldn't eat if he didn't work, to service...
Barry, you have some very valid points in your argument, while myself I have never visted or worked with people from death row I cannot fully...
an eye for an eye just makes both parties blind GJ.
Ha Ha Dan is a junkie like the rest of us! "every hour I spen sober, is an hour wasted"
Dan that last statement sounds like the beginning of the Kentucky mating ritual usually reserved for exclusively shouting from the porch of your...
At one time, yes, it was usually passed from father to son. In the modern world, going to medical school is more akin to success rather than the...
Separate names with a comma.