i cant wait until this stupid site closes down it sucks .... oh yea ill be postin a reply to this post everyday until this site closes down hmmm...
hahahah my wish came true.... this stupid sites closin down... hahahah now we're are all of you losers gonna do now? hahaha no more imc or ihn, no...
you guys are idiots.... how sick can you be? all of you are gonna get what you deserve one day.....
hey stupid didnt i tell you to get some good jokes?!?!?!? these jokes suck.....
hmmmm i am the ruler of the forum now.... didnt i say before that i won? hmmm too bad you guys are too stupid to figure that one out......
hey fugly i gave you a stupid joke now make your jokes better....
hahah yall suck
you guys suck... you let me win so easily too.... hmmm IMC's gonna be mad at yall when he comes back haha well you all suck.....
hey guys! hows everyone doing today? well im good over here... havent been here in a little while.. so whats going on? well bye for now...
ok guys i found the funniest joke ever... Q:How do you punish a leper? A:Make them do jumping jacks till something falls off.... hahahah......
hahah wow i didnt know winning would be so easy here.... hmmm maybe i did cause you guys suck.... so thats how it is your just gonna let me call...
hmmm why do only the losers reply to my posts??? isnt there any "cool" people all i get is the stupid rednecks..... man yall suck....
come on yall dont you have anything to say? or did i win? haha you guys suck
haha yea right yall really think i would miss that loser? ha lol ok well yesterday as in the 13th was my birthday... come on yall most of you did...
your gay
hmmmm ok i got a joke whats the fastest way to a womans heart? ....... through the ribcage hahah...... hmmm wait a minute that joke sucked
hey your starting to sound like my mom
hey socky and fe was i talk to you? no so shut up cant yall get the picture either? if i was talkin to you, you would know
hmmm another loser talkin to me? geez
Separate names with a comma.