DoN't bE HatinG On a BroTHer Jus Cos yU b JeaLoUs A' hiS SupeR-mODeL gF [img]
i fOOkiNg woN!!! wHat dO I wiN?
nO!!! I aM juSt onE PersON. I aM Not Any oF ThosE UveR PeepLE. I aM A poRN Star bAbY YeAHhhhHHhH!!!!!
yeAh!!!! Like he say'S, SHouLd I giVE-A-fucK?/?
I KnoW kUNG-fU U kNOw....
I Have jUSt hired this mAn[img]and thIs Is mY ImaGinAry GirlFrind/mOdel.[img]
FUck yOU and YOUr Boyfriend Too, I am too a Porn Star And PinkFluffyBooTs.... I Am Not an Ape But A Skunk And I SucK MEn'S DickS
How CAn i COnvinCe you All thaT I aM ACTUALLY a Lesbian, in LOve with MY other profILE of A POrn STar? Please loVE ME
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