HOORAY! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Have to agree, there is wit and there is humour, none of which seem to appear in any of DWAYNE'S posts
Wow I wasn't aware that Fugly was a military term and you could run HTML on Honeywell mainframes!
I knew a girl called KIRSTY! She spelt it KJURSTE! OMFG
Well I was certainly around in 85 but dont think I heard the term till the internet was born, when did this site launch?
Maybe you took shit becos you are a cunt and not despite of it. yes folks fugly car fugly plate, and there was me thinking you rednecks didnt...
To be honest I think you guys invented the word FUGLY which has now become global, it wasnt a tribute to your website as such but I am sure there...
Well thank you nauseous, I guess its British humour mate, irony? sarcasm? Basically if I can get a smile or a laugh from someone then it makes the...
I DID spell it right muppett! I am ENGLISH we wrote the language that you abused, changed and got wrong. CENTRE, METRE, SPECIALISED etc!!
Awww doesnt wittle Dwayney Wayney like it when the big boys argue back? Does wittle Dwayney Wayney want everyone to admire his wit and charm and...
Wow a twat and a paedophile GO DWAYNE!!
awww congrats, now go OUTSIDE your house and actually try and win something, achieve something but what ever you do don't mate with anything
Wow what an immense comedian you are, oh well I always said I would never have a battle of wits with an unarmed boy so enjoy your petty name...
I have 4 vehicles but you need a big old bus like this to carry stuff around, I think you guys call them SUVs or something, we just call them estates
Its the format of UK plates, unlike the US we cant just make up any name we like, it has to follow the format Letter Number Number Number Letter...
UK and I am pretty sure they dont make them any more, do you have to buy a brand new car to put a funny numberplate on? Sorry I didn't realise, in...
Fuck you knobhead!
what a huge amount of interest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you try the AIRBUS site?????? http://www.airbus.com/en/presscentre/pressreleases/pressreleases_items/07_11_16_accident_airbus_facility.html
Separate names with a comma.