i don't really understand why you posted that (the original post).
i dont smoke anymore, but pipes like that are just so pretty you want to buy them and sit em on a shelf
nice name "mmppppghsdh" you could've at least said "serial rapist"
so whose got the password to boysfirsttime anyways?
please stop calling me from the correctional institution [img] i'm starting to get really scared now ok?
so thats why school feels like prison ooohh
at least you've got a claim to confusion
oh come on... of course that's monty python
that IS the female reproductive system upside down
dipped in hot wax? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote no no no... it's just that i put soooo much trust in everyone on the fugly...
ha.... well i really don't look anything like yummy anyway, you can ask her if you don't believe me-although i can't say for sure she'd back me...
prepared to have your mind blown
the blowjob sounds good, but i do ask that you come prepared and clean
ahhhh.. my virgin ass is not ready for such atrocities
hmm im going to philly soon meet me there
who said anything about being a tease
heh heh heh, that was fuckin great
Main Entry: prude Pronunciation: 'prĂ¼d Function: noun Etymology: French, good woman, prudish woman, short for prudefemme good woman, from Old...
get your ass over here and i will
ya damn straight i give good head oh yeah and you're welcome [ August 04, 2002: Message edited by: sugar sphinx ]
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